010 // Fanfiction > Drabble > Gravitation

Jan 22, 2011 15:37

001 The first time. 002 The best time. 003 The worst time. 004 The last time. 005 Time flies. 006 Time changes. 007 Time heals. 008 Time stops. 009 Timing is everything. 010 Remember the good times. 011 At times like this. 012 The time was right. 013 Time is an illusion. 014 It was time to go. 015 Time waits for no man. 016 It was time to forgive. 017 Day time. 018 Night time. 019 Next time. 020 Every time. 021 About time. 022 Extra time. 023 In time. 024 Out of time.


He had always been the kind of person who very rarely thought about sex. To him, it was just something people did. There was nothing to get out of it besides physical pleasure and he would rather satisfy himself by playing a song on the keyboard.

So, he was quite surprised when, after a late and energy-draining concert-and after a few too many drinks-he found himself no longer a virgin. What was more surprising was the way he felt about it. To him, sex was no longer just a thing people did. It was something incredibly special now.



Eiri rolled his eyes, but returned the birthday gift to the table with the others. He knew what Tohma wanted-for him to read the card first-and he knew that if he wanted the birthday cake that was soon to follow, he needed to play along.

But dammit if it wasn't hard to do.

At least he knew how to work his brother-in-law. Eiri gave a smile-one he flashed to his female fans-and almost immediately Tohma caved. Suddenly, Tohma looked much more like a mother than a brother-in-law.

"Okay, Eiri-san! You can open the present first!"


Tohma moved his finger along the newspaper, scanning the obituaries. Kitazawa Yuki, the paper stated, was found dead Saturday afternoon by police. The paper was dated nearly ten years ago and its pages were yellowed.

Even so, the memories were fresh. He very clearly remembered standing next to Eiri while they were both interrogated by the police. All Tohma could think was thank goodness it hadn't taken place in his home. Being found dead in your own apartment was one thing, but being found dead in the home of someone you publicly don't get along with was something entirely different.


It was strange, sitting in the audience of a Bad Luck concert these days. They really had taken Nittle Grasper's place. And it was strange, knowing that he would never be up on that stage again.

His face bore a look of concentration, hiding the selfish thoughts that threatened to break lose as he sat between Ryuichi and Noriko. There were flaws with Bad Luck of course-they were, after all, young and not all that experienced-but he was grudgingly satisfied with their performance as usual.

If only he could be on stage one more time with Nittle Grasper.

fanfiction, fandom: gravitation, character: tohma seguchi

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