(no subject)

Apr 03, 2003 02:19

It'd be silly to say that New York bores me, but I suppose I am silly enough to be able to say just that. Not that I expected much once I got here, but there's no bustling about everywhere, our hotel isn't exactly the most luxurious of places, and I'd much rather be home sleeping in my own bed. If I was here only with Olly I'd have wrung his neck by now. I'd forgotten how bloody annoying he can be when left alone with him babbling on about how much he's done on our time off while I question how easy it would be to take one of our projects and smash it over his head. I believe it'd give the art an even funner feel than it already had. I'm sure he's only trying to help, but his constant questions about my personal life, when I'm not even sure how that's going right now are not welcome. I'm sure he would bother me even more if he could, but I think Justine has scared him more than he likes to admit. Another reason it's lovely to have her along.

I'm sure everything will hit me when the art is shown, but as horrible as it may sound it's one of the furthest things from my mind. I've had talks that have gone nowhere, when it's obvious they should have been more productive than they were, and I've had someone offer to visit me while I'm here to work out something that may not be meant to work out. I didn't offer an answer because I believe everything needs to be thought about but I've not gotten a lot of advice on how to respond, except from someone whose advice would be accepted were it not obvious they had their own reasons for feeling like they did. All bull. It makes ones head spin.

I've only been gone a couple of days, I miss my daughter and I'm not sure how long it'll be until I'm able to go home. After that more than likely it'll soon be back to work and who knows how long it'll be until I'm able to relax after that. Back to swimming with sharks and being attacked by beasts. Oh but we love it don't we?

I've been using this thing a bit too much lately, and yes it even frightens me. So I'll leave you all now with a simple: Ho!*

* - Any royalties to be collected from that can be taken directly from Mr. Albarn.
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