(no subject)

Jul 20, 2010 23:02

For the last two weeks, I've been dieting. Doing a good job of it, too. The key has been doin it in concert with Mom. We are honor-bound to e-mail each other with our nutritional intake every day, and it's working great. When I'm tempted to cheat, I don't. And we encourage each other, also. Then I added in half an hour every day on the Wii Fit Plus starting this past Saturday.

As of today, I was down ten pounds, which is 20% of my goal. I'm on the last notch on my belts, and my pants will no longer stay up without one. I'm wearing clothes that I bought but was never QUITE able to wear because they made me look fat.

Another five pounds and I should be able to wear the Armani pants. Of course, I have to get them hemmed, first.

The goal is to get another ten pounds in the next two weeks (still doing South Beach Phase I), then moving to Phase II, at which I hope to lose another 30 pounds by the time we leave on our trip in November. That will get me to about the weight I was when we got married.


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