Fic: Be mine, Goodnight Kiss 3/4

Jul 18, 2011 23:49

 Title: Be Mine.
Author: Dave2380
Characters, Pairing: Finn, Will.
Summary: So when you figure out you aren't quite as straight as you thought, and who your ideal man is, well you have to go for it, right?
Rating: R/NC17, i have no idea where the cut off point is. I really need to look up the U.S. ratings system.

It wasn’t much of a walk back to Will’s apartment, mostly because Will drove them from the bowling alley to his apartment’s parking lot. So they ended up circling the block a couple of times, Finn’s arm slung over Will’s shoulders and Will’s arm around Finn’s waist.

They stopped at Will’s apartment building on their third circuit and Finn reluctantly let go of Will. “I had a really good time tonight, actually I think it was like the Superman of dates.”
“It came with it’s own cape?” Will asked playfully, eyes shining under the streetlights.
“Oh yeah, cape, tights, the works.” Finn nodded.
“So, are you going to keep me waiting on a goodnight kiss all night?” Will purred up at Finn. Finn grinned shyly and glanced down at his feet. “I’ve been trying not to think like that all night, you know, because it’s kind of fifties, like I asked you out so you have to be the girl, and you are so not a girl. You know? Does that make, like any sense?”

Will chuckled, “Yes, it makes sense, of course you’re assuming that I’d be mortally offended by the comparison. It’s actually a little sweet and chivalric. If it bothers you then I can ask next time. Provided there is a next time?”

Will’s voice lost a little of it’s certainty at the end of that sentence and Finn just reacted, leaning down and capturing Will’s lips in a kiss. He meant for it to be soft and reassuring but it quickly escalated into a passionate tangle of tongues and teeth that left both men panting for breath when they were forced to pull away for air.

“I really want there to be a bunch of next times, like a whole bunch of them.” Finn breathed into Will’s ear.
Will’s grip on Finn loosened a little at those words, reassured by the fact that this wasn’t a one time deal. He looked up at Finn, biting his lip for a second before he visibly relaxed, “Well, in that case, would you like to come up?”

Finn wasn’t expecting that, he was expecting to just do the goodnight kiss thing and head home, probably jerk off to things he’d like to be doing to Will, he hadn’t even considered the possibility of doing them tonight. Well not seriously.

“I want to, I just want you to want to on your terms. I don’t want to be that asshole who pushes for sex on a first date, no-one likes that guy.” Finn shrugged, watching the way Will’s lips twitched in wry amusement as he processed the words.

He looked up at Finn, gaze steady, eyes filled with that mischievous sparkle from the bowling alley and nodded. “I want you to come up. On my terms. I’m a big boy, I know how to say no to anything that’s a bit too much. I like you and I want to do this. I’m not saying we’ll end up fucking each other into the mattress tonight but I’m more than willing to see where we end up.”

Finn took a very deep breath, more than a little aroused just from the thought of fucking Will into the mattress or riding him and he nodded. “Cool.” He croaked, blushing slightly as Will chuckled at his voice spazzing out on him.

“Shall we?” Will asked, holding out a hand for Finn. Which Finn wasted no time in taking. “Lets.” He murmured.


Will’s couch was kind of uncomfortable, the fact that he currently had a lapful of Will and they were lazily making out on it was it’s only redeeming feature. When he had to lean back and the couch was too short for his lanky frame he groaned, partly because that rolly-tongue thing Will had told them about whilst teaching Spanish in sophomore year was kind of amazing when used during a make-out session. The rest of it was because the couch was doing it’s best to cripple him.

Will stopped kissing and looked at him, “I’m not squishing you am I?” He murmured, a hand coming up to brush softly across Finn’s cheek, “It’s not that.” Finn winced , “It’s the couch, it’s kind of hard and short and I feel like it’s trying to kill me.”

Will shook his head and chuckled, “You’re right, I forgot how uncomfortable the couch was, I guess it’s not built for guys our size, come on.” He clambered off of Finn and led him to the bedroom. Finn hovered in the doorway uncertainly until Will flicked an eyebrow at him.

“You know I’m not exactly a blushing virgin, I’ve had sex before. Admittedly not with guys, but I do know what’s involved.” Will looked at Finn fondly as the younger man fidgeted in the doorway. “I know, it’s just, sex with a guy’s different. Whether you top or bottom it’s different and I don’t want to freak you out and end up fucking things up.”

Will crossed the room and took his hand, leading him to the bed, “Fucking things up is usually my department, remember? Now how about we lose some clothes and get back to making out?” Will let go of Finn’s hand and began slipping his clothes off, tossing them into the hamper until he was clad in a pair of black boxer briefs. Which contained an extremely sizable bulge if Finn was any judge. He watched as Will lay on the bed, head propped up, waiting for him to join him.

Glad that he had finally overcome his body issues, Finn stripped off quickly down to his briefs, pouting defensively as Will laughed, “Tighty whities Finn?”
“I like them.”
“Oh I’ll admit you wear them well, I just thought you were more of a boxers kind of guy.” Will grinned happily as Finn clambered onto the bed and straddled him. His eyes drinking in the lightly toned muscles of Finn’s chest, pecs and deltoids, his gaze wandering down to his abs. Will’s hands settled on Finn’s legs, roaming up the muscled calves to his thighs, settling on his firm buttocks as Finn’s eyes darkened with lust.

“Gorgeous.” Murmured Will, propping himself up on his elbows so Finn could lean down and kiss him. His hands skimming down Will’s sides as they kissed, thumbs brushing across his lightly furred abs, making the older man shudder under the touch.

Finn shifted position until he was lying on top of Will, freeing his hands to roam where they wished, even as he slid his own hands into Will’s curls. Something he’d spent the last few weeks idly daydreaming of, moaning as Will’s fingers danced across his ribs, finding that one ticklish spot. He sighed happily as Will’s hands mapped the planes of his back and he trailed his lips down Will’s neck.

Will’s hands slid down to the waistband of Finn’s briefs and he paused, “This okay?” He asked looking at Finn, who nodded and lifted his hips to help Will slide them off. He rolled to the side letting Will see him completely nude. “Well, it’s nice to see that you’re proportional.” He blushed slightly as his eyes wandered the length of Finn’s cock.

“I dunno, I always think of myself as normal. I don’t get the size thing but some guys have a thing about it.” He shrugged dismissively before tentatively slipping a finger under the waistband of Will’s underwear, pinging it gently. “Can I?” He asked, gazing at Will.

“Oh yes.” Will exhaled. His gaze fixed on Finn’s hands peeling those boxer briefs off, freeing his hard cock. The underwear vanished somewhere over Finn’s shoulders as he lay beside Will, fingers skimming down the older mans ribs before he slowly wrapped them around Will’s cock. He squeezed gently from the root to tip and savoured the shudder it drew from Will.

“You don’t have to hesitate Finn.” Will moaned, “I’m pretty sure you can’t break me.” He groaned and bit his lip as Finn, taking him at his word, began jerking him off with firm slow strokes, watching hungrily as Will shuddered under his ministrations.

Will’s eyes fixed on his and he rolled onto Finn, sighing happily at the skin to skin contact, the blessed heat and solidity of Finn’s cock throbbing alongside his, he rolled his hips experimentally and chuckled as Finn responded eagerly. “You’re still taking it easy on me Finn.” He whispered into his ear, “What do you want, hmm? What do you think about doing to me late at night when you’re in your bed with your hand on your cock?” Will’s fingers toyed with Finn’s nipples as he watched him flush and hesitate momentarily.

“Oh god, everything. I want to do so much to you that I don’t know where to fucking begin.” Murmured Finn as he flipped them over and ground down on Will hard. “I want to fuck you, suck you, eat you out, ride your cock, fuck your face, I want to spend days in bed with you making out and hugging, I want it all. I want so fucking much that the list goes on and on and I just can’t pick one thing.” He latched onto Will’s neck, lips and tongue working in tandem on a hickey, groaning as Will’s hand fisted in his hair.

He drew back and Will’s eyes were completely blown with lust. “If you want to fuck me Finn then go for it, god the things you say, do you have any idea what they do to me? I’m so damned hard it hurts and we haven’t even got to the good stuff yet.” Will wriggled out from beneath Finn just enough to reach into his nightstand and grab a bottle of lube. Finn couldn’t help but reach out and firmly grab Will’s ass, not when it was on display. Will smirked as he looked over his shoulder and finally found the elusive condoms he’d been searching for.

He yelped like a Chihuahua when Finn flipped him over and dragged him to the centre of the bed and spread his legs. Will’s momentary confusion faded as soon as he felt Finn’s tongue probing the edges of his asshole. He moaned and spread his legs wider as Finn’s tongue worked itself inside of him, eyes flickering shut as he surrendered to the sensation. His eyes didn’t stay closed for long as one of Finn’s hands wrapped itself around his cock and began languidly jerking him off again.

“Fuck, that’s so damned good Finn. I need more.”
“You sure?” Finn’s muffled voice asked, only stopping long enough to ask those two words.
“Hell yeah.” Will groaned as Finn gave him a particularly firm squeeze in conjunction with a sort of spiralling motion with his tongue, which made Will wonder if it was possible for your brains to turn to goo.

He emerged from his little reverie when Finn’s lube slicked fingers began circling his hole. He watched with a kind of fascination as the first finger slid into him up to the first knuckle, it felt a little odd, not painful, but a weird stretching feeling. He could feel Finn’s eyes on him as he worked, his expression as he slid the second finger and scissor and twisted, measuring Will’s reaction, ready to stop at the first hint of discomfort. Then his fingers brushed against Will’s prostate and Will saw stars, after that first spike of pleasure he ground down on Finn’s fingers hard.

“Whoa, slow down, it’s not going anywhere dude.” Finn murmured. Will pouted at him before nodding. Finn got back to work, grinning and shaking his head in amusement. He slid a third finger inside of Will and began rhythmically working his prostate, watching his curly haired lover come apart just from his fingers. Will let out a deep guttural grunt as he came, shooting thick ropes of jizz over his chest, and Finn’s hair.

“Dude, did you just come in my hair?” He laughed.
“Kind of hard to aim when you think your balls are turning inside out. Sorry.” he murmured.
“Relax, it’ll come out in the shower, you cool to keep going?”
“Let me put it this way, if you stop then I may have to kill you.” Will drawled lazily.

Finn laughed and eased his fingers out of Will, getting the condom out of it’s wrapper, which takes some serious skill with lube-y fingers, and rolling it on. He slicked himself up and lined himself up with Will’s entrance. “Okay, so it kind of helps if you push back, okay?”

“Got it.” Will murmured as he watched Finn guide himself down and in, even with the prep it was still a bit of a stretch, but a good one. Different to be sure, but definitely good. He watched intently as Finn eased himself in and bottomed out. Wrapping his arms around the larger man as he laid his head on the crook of Will’s neck. “Shit, I should have known you’d be tight.” He breathed. Will ran a hand through Finn’s hair and chuckled, a deep bass rumble that Finn could feel echoing through his ribs, along with the faint clenching provoked by the laughter.

“We good?” Will murmured, Finn could only nod, trying not to come just from the amazing, vice-tight heat of Will’s ass. He grit his teeth and moaned as he began rolling his hips, setting up a slow, insistent rhythm, feeling Will’s arms clamp onto him and his legs clinging to his hips. “Oh god, Finn, so damn, fucking good.”
“Such language, from a teacher no less.” Finn groaned, the combination of Will coming unravelled under him and him cursing sending him dangerously close to the edge. He could feel Will writhing beneath him and cursing in a broken mix of English and Spanish, a high speed stream of obscenities and encouragement. He knew Will had come again when his nails sank into Finn’s shoulder blades and that little flash of pain was enough to sever the last lingering, frayed thread of Finn’s control as he thrust convulsively one last time into Will with a choked groan.

He slumped boneless onto Will whose grip tightened reflexively as he drew him into a fierce passionate kiss that devolved into a slow languid making out session as they both rode out their afterglow.


Neither of them had much energy left for the cleanup, thankfully the sheets weren’t too trashed, if one ignored the slightly lube-y patch, so they opted for a quick clean up with a wet washcloth and getting the worst of the come out of Finn’s hair before crawling into the bed and wrapping themselves up in each other beneath the sheets.


Finn awoke to an empty bed. Which made his heart sink for all of five minutes, until Will came running into the bedroom, pants on, but his belt undone, frantically pulling down his t-shirt and grabbing a shirt. He scrambled into it and cursed as he messed up the first attempt at his buttons, starting over and grinning at Finn.

“Hey, you looked so cute I didn’t want to wake you, plus I forgot to set my alarm and I’m bordering on late. There’s coffee in the pot, and cereal in the kitchen, grab a couple more hours of sleep and eat something. Fuck, I hate having to run, but if I don’t I’m going to miss first period.” He crawled onto the bed and grabbed a quick kiss from Finn before reluctantly cursing and pulling away. “Call me at lunch, or maybe you could meet me at school once it ends. Unless you have plans, I mean…”

“No, no plans. I’ll swing by McKinley and we can do stuff.” Finn flashed his lopsided grin at Will who blushed and nodded before checking his watch and cursing as he grabbed a tie, threw a quick wave over his shoulder at Finn and high-tailed it out of the apartment.

Finn chuckled and wondered when he’d realise he still hadn’t buckled his belt, before he rolled over in Will’s bed, inhaling their mingled scents and the faint smell of sex. Stuff, yeah that definitely sounded interesting, but right now a nap sounded even better.

Clutching Will’s pillow from the night before he curled up around it and drifted off to sleep.

fanwork: fanfic, rating: nc17

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