Fic: Be mine, The date, 2/4

Jul 18, 2011 23:43

 Title: Be Mine.
Author: Dave2380
Characters, Pairing: Finn, Will.
Summary: So when you figure out you aren't quite as straight as you thought, and who your ideal man is, well you have to go for it, right?
Rating: PG for long lingering looks.
A/N. So i had to make up Henri's because none of the restaurants i googled in Lima sounded French. One more case of real life refusing to co-operate for ficcing sakes.

“I feel really underdressed.” Will murmurs as Finn leads him into Henri’s, the best, not to mention only French Bistro in Lima. Finn cast a long appraising glance over his date and enjoyed the subsequent flush that stained Will’s cheeks pink.

“I think you look amazing as you are. Not that you’re not insanely hot in a tux, but I kind of like you in your teacher’s layers with your tie loosened and button undone. But if it bothers you.” Finn stepped forward and fastened Will’s offending button and adjusted his tie before smoothing down his sweater vest and stepping back, enjoying the hitch in Will’s breathing and the sudden sparkle in his eyes.

“Better?” He smirked.
“Definitely.” Will husked, voice low and dark.

Finn smiled as they waited for the Maitre’d to seat them, more than content to wait with the solid warmth and scent of Will next to him. He toyed with the idea of throwing an arm around Will’s shoulder or waist, but decided against it, not wanting to make Will think he thought of him as the girl.

Not that Will seemed to mind being well inside Finn’s personal space judging by the happy grin on his face and the way he was angled towards Finn. Which was completely awesome, even if Finn did have the impression he was grinning like an idiot.

Whatever, it was totally worth it.


The Maitre’d tried for an air of bored superiority, clearly unimpressed by Finn and Will’s relaxed apparel, well it was either that or he was a touch homophobic. After his gaze blatantly swept over the two of them Finn knew that it was the former instead of the latter.

Of course this guy had never dealt with anyone who’d managed to survive two years under the same roof as Kurt Hummel. Compared to Kurt in his full on diva-bitch mode this guy was nothing. Kurt-lite at the very most. So Finn resorted to the same tactics he would have used on Kurt, smile and nod and hope like hell that you can get through this without having your self esteem completely shredded by the razor sharp wit of a pissed off Gold Star gay.

Of course it worked like a charm, and having had the foresight to make reservations two weeks in advance proved to be a good idea as they got an excellent table, almost but not quite in the middle of the restaurant.

“That was pretty smooth.” Will chuckled once they were seated and the guy bustled off to find them a waiter. Finn just shrugged easily. “I lived with Kurt, and that guy was nothing compared to Kurt on the rampage. You should have seen the monster bitch-fit he threw at Christmas when I came out. It’s the closest my closet’s ever come to being torched.”

Will snickered at the image of a vengeful Kurt torching Finn’s closet. “Knowing Kurt he’d be jumping with joy every time he threw one of your puffy vests or plaid shirts on the bonfire.”

Which was actually a mental image that Finn had had several times since Christmas actually. He was about to mention this fact when he noticed the smile on Will’s face fade and he heard a low moan. “Oh crap.”

Which was instantly followed by their waiter, a tall blonde who looked kind of familiar, but Finn couldn’t place him. “Hi, I’m Adam and I’ll be your waiter for the night. Oh hey Mr Schue.”


Well that explained things. “Hey Adam, I didn’t know you worked here.” Will managed, with a slightly strained smile on his face. The blonde shrugged dismissively. “Work is work Mr S, so can I get you guys anything to drink, or would you like to see the wine list?” His gaze flickered between Will and Finn as he tried to figure them out. Finn mustered his most charming smile and shook his head. “ Actually I think I’d just like some ice water thanks. How about you Will?”

Will nodded gratefully at him, “That’d be great thanks.” The waiter nodded and handed them menu’s before heading off to give them time to peruse the menu. “I figured out where I saw him, he’s one of the glee kids right?” Finn asked as he scanned the menu.

“Yes, he’s also a bigger gossip than Mercedes was, which means that by this time tomorrow the whole glee club will know all about our date, right down to how well we tipped him.” He groaned and rubbed the back of his neck in annoyance before continuing. “I’m not ashamed of people knowing we had dinner together. I was just really enjoying not being the subject of half the school’s gossip. You know?”

Finn nodded and reached for Will’s hand across the table, “We could go somewhere else if you wanted?” Will snorted and shook his head decisively, “Like hell I will, I am not missing out on the best French onion soup in Ohio to avoid student gossip.” He squeezed Finn’s hand and smiled, “So how do you feel about splitting the Chateaubriand? I see they have it with celeriac puree, wild mushrooms and shallots. They do wonders with beef in here.”

“I know, the Boeuf Bourguignon’s amazing.” Finn chuckled as Will arched an eyebrow at him. “This is one of the only places in Lima that’s on Kurt’s approved list for Burt’s diet. You should see the look on his face when Burt tries to order the Strawberry mille Feuille, it’s freakin’ terrifying.”

Will chuckled at the image of an indignant Kurt. “I’m a fan of their Raspberry sorbet myself.”
“Dude, that’s so weak, sorbet isn’t even a proper dessert, it’s barely even a palate cleanser. The tarte tatin, now that’s a proper dessert.”
“It’s a little too sweet for me, I’ll stick to the sorbet.”

Finn shrugged. “It’s cool, but you are totally missing out.”
Will chuckled happily. “I think I’ll reserve judgment until after dinner.” He was still smiling when the annoying blonde came back with a pitcher of ice water and took their orders.


Will was right, the French onion soup was amazing and the croutons were almost mind-blowingly good. Finn made a mental note to recommend it to Kurt instead of his inevitable salad on their next family visit. What wasn’t so good was the constant surveillance from Adam, the blonde hovered just within earshot of them all throughout their meal. Which was profoundly irritating, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t want Will to be known to date a lousy tipper then he wouldn’t bother tipping the kid.

Annoying, gossipy waiter aside, the meal was amazing as Will filled Finn in on the latest McKinley faculty gossip and Finn repaid the favour with gossip regarding the original New Directions. From Rachel’s role in an off, off Broadway production of Funny Girl, to Kurt and Blaine’s ongoing and terminally saccharine courtship, rounded off by the chaotic adventures of Puck, up to and including him being offered a starring role in a gay porno by a guy with no boundaries in an L.A. restroom.

“Seriously, Artie says he won’t even go into a restroom without an escort now, it’s hilarious. Most people get more confident as they get older, but it’s like Puck’s backsliding.” Finn giggled, manfully of course.

Will tried not to choke on his ice water, “Well I’m not sure I’d take being offered a role as a bondage leather daddy all that well if I was attending to business and some strange guy just threw that my way. I will admit it’s funny though. I like Noah, but he’s always been a little too arrogant and full of himself for his own good.”

Finn was still snickering at the thought as he finished off his dessert, the tarte tatin, naturally. Although having snagged a taste of Will’s sorbet, he did have to admit that it was worthy of being labelled a dessert in it’s own right. Even if it went against his long held proper-desserts-are-meant-to-be-sweet-and-bad-for-you beliefs.

“So, it’s still kind of early, do you want to catch a movie?” Finn asked, slightly nervous, still not wanting to label Will as the girl. Will licked the last of his sorbet from his spoon and shook his head slightly. “There’s nothing that I really want to see at the movies, besides everything will be sold out. Most people tend to go with dinner and a movie on Valentines day, it’s nice, but a little formulaic. How do you feel about bowling?”

If Finn had had any doubts whatsoever about how much he liked Will in that moment they evaporated. “Dude, it’s like you’re in my head, it’s kind of awesome, and kind of scary. Bowling would be great.”
Will grinned, “Glad to hear it, I don’t think I could even consider dating anyone who didn’t like bowling.”
“I should tell you I’m kind of awesome.” Finn mentioned as he nodded to the amazing hovering Adam to bring them the bill.

Will smirked, “I should warn you that I’m kind of awesome on the lanes too.”
“Bring it on.”
“Oh it’s on.”


There was a moment of confusion at the end of the meal when Will and Finn both tried to hand their credit cards to Adam, only for Finn to point out that as he’d asked Will out, he should be the one to pay. Will tried to pay until Adam swept off with Finn’s card in his hand, rolling his eyes and muttering something about men and their stupid masculine pride.

Which actually made Finn like the gossipy waiter enough to slip a hefty tip under his menu when Will’s back was turned. Failing to notice Will doing the exact same thing when he turned his back for a second.

Of course Adam noticed, and was really quite touched by it. Not so touched that he wasn’t going to gossip to the rest of the club about Mr Schue and his hot date who tipped amazingly well, but he would feel a little guilt over it.

Just a smidgen though.


The bowling alley was practically deserted, proof of Will’s astute observation that most people opted for dinner and a movie.


Yeah okay, movies are cool and great for dates, but so is bowling. After you deal with the horrendous shoes. “I think it’s some unwritten rule of the universe that bowling shoes have to be tacky.” Will laughed as he tied his laces. “Of course I can’t prove it, not unless aliens make contact with us, and of course they’d have to have some form of ten pin bowling as well.” He mused before pulling off his sweater vest, undoing his tie and untucking his shirt.

“Aliens who bowl, I could be down with that.” Finn mused as Will headed to the ball carousel and cast a critical eye over the balls before settling on a hot pink ball. “Never pegged you for a pink guy Will.”

Will laughed and turned to face Finn. “I have hidden depths.” He smirked and tried unsuccessfully to look solemn. “So are we playing or are we going to critique each others balls?” He asked, eyes shining with mischief.

Finn couldn’t help but laugh at the remark. “Who says we can’t do both?”
“Hmm ask me later.” Will quipped before turning to face the lane and sending his ball thundering down the lane to score a perfect strike.

Finn groaned, “Why do I suddenly regret suggesting we go bowling?” He murmured almost inaudibly, almost, but not quite, because Will let loose a chuckle that was a little mocking and highly suggestive at the same time.

“Well if you don’t think you can win then you could forfeit, but it’d be a waste of a lane.” Will smirked as he leant against the ball carousel. Finn returned the smirk with one of his own and picked a blue ball. It wasn’t until it barrelled down the lane and knocked down nine of his pins that he got why Will was laughing.

Blue ball. Blue balls. Apparently these hidden depths of Will’s included a sense of humour that had definite Puck-ish tendencies.

This could not be overlooked. “Better give it all you got Will, I’m not going down without a fight!” Will watched with interest as Finn picked up his ball and picked off his lone pin. “Oh, it’s on Finn.”


By the end of their third game Finn had to concede that Will was some kind of bowling ninja. He’d only missed out on a perfect game by one pin on their second game. Finn’s pride was deeply wounded by this, however his libido certainly appreciated the view of Will’s ass when he was bowling.

Which pretty much evened things out in his opinion. Losing a little of one’s pride to get closer to an ass that majestic was totally worth it. Besides his scores were still really good, just not quite as good as Will’s.

And boy did he know it. By the end of their third game Will was practically glowing with triumph, which may have influenced Finn’s last ball, because a happy, exultant Will sent a wave of heat all the way through Finn. A surge of deep affection that surged from his feet clean up to his head, making slight detours at his crotch and heart on it’s travels.

Oh yeah, he had it bad.

Not that Will seemed particularly bothered by it, considering he launched himself into Finn’s arms when he won the last game, whooping in triumph. “I still got it.” he smirked up at Finn as Finn’s arms drew him into a hug.
“Kind of hard to argue with those kind of numbers.” Finn grinned up at the display.
“Told you I was awesome.”
“Dude, I could have told you that like a year ago.” Finn murmured as Will’s arm slid around his waist.
“Flatterer.” The older man beamed up at him.

Finn shrugged. “I tell it as I see it.”
Will looked up at him intently before he sighed and broke the hug. “As much fun as this is, it is getting late, do you have classes tomorrow?”
Finn shook his head, sighing as he realised the night was ending. “No, no classes tomorrow, I guess I can’t persuade you to ditch?” He asked hopefully.

Will shook his head regretfully. “I have pop quizzes to give and assignments to collect, or I’d be tempted.”
Finn nodded, “Yeah, I can’t just ask you to ditch like that, but this has been like the best date ever, I kind of don’t want it to end.”
Will looked over at him fondly, “Well it’s not over yet.”
Will laughed, “Of course not, you’re a gentleman right? So you still have to walk me home.” He turned to pick up his tie and vest, looking highly amused by the way Finn lit up at the prospect of walking him home. He walked over to Finn and took him by the hand. “You were right you know.” He said as they went to claim their own shoes.

Finn looked at him quizzically and Will smiled at him over his shoulder, “Best date ever.” he pronounced with a happy grin.

fanwork: fanfic, rating: pg

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