(no subject)

May 18, 2007 21:46

Ick! So tired.
My face actually feels puffy. No more getting up at 4am for me!
My shift go back to 8:30-4pm. Yeah!
I hate these 12 hour days! I'm just totally wiped!

I finished my week as a house attendant. I finially got my employee card. I also am rising in the ranks so I get a groovy radio that hangs on my hip. I feel like my butt is having a conversation sometimes, kinda weird.
um, I was also allowed some freedom today! FINALLY! I've litterally been following someone around for 2 weeks now. Today I was given a master key and a rooms schedule and told to wipe the glass on the fireplaces clean. Not the most important job in the world but I was thrilled to have some independence!
I'm also done working with Jacob. Has a crazy story about coming to the US and his family situation is all around sad. He's really nice, but I have to be honest and say I'm glad following him around is over.
He's just too cheerful. Cheerful in a creepy way. Like he never just says what he says with a normal expression on his face. Its like a plain expression and then by the end of the sentence a smile has slowly creeped into is expression. Its weird. I'm probably psycho for noticeing but when you work with someone for 5 days in a row for 8 hours, and most the time your just smiling and nodding, one pays more attention to they way things are being said instead of whats actually being said. And also, I have to listen really hard. So much patience for the simplest sentences. By the end of the day, i don't know if I'm more exhausted from working or listening to figure out and understand what's being said.
Oi! I'm being taught patience for sure this summer. Patience, Patience, Patience.

Some people have realized that I'm stay for the summer. Lots of people thought I'd only be there for a week.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I just feel wasted! Tired, Wiped,exhausted.

I know I have it good though. My parents house is so nice, and my bed is divine. I've been having sleep walking dreams again. I always get those when I'm stressed. Lately I've been dreaming or maybe I'm awake, I can never figure it out. Anyways I'm dreaming that I've been caught sleeping in one of the hotel beds and I have to get to work, and i can't believe I'd actually crawled into a bed and fallen asleep on the job. Then when  I actually wake up, I'm half way out of my bed or I'm just standing in my room. It happens about once or twice a night. I literally I have to tell myself thats its ok to sleep, and that no one will find out that I've been sleeping and that I'm actually allowed to sleep.
Crazy I know. So I blame it on my mom for having such wonderful pluffy padding and silky comforters. I get no sleep cause my beds too nice for me to sleep in.

Ok I could complain forever about how crappy I feel but my eyes hurt and feel heavy so I'm gonna go to bed.

I miss You, and yOu and yoU. 
You know who you all are!
Okey dokie.
Nighty night
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