(no subject)

May 21, 2007 22:17

So I got to take a little mini trip to Pullman this weekend.
Very much so needed. I needed some recupe time and it was wonderful to see friends again. Today was kinda blaw again. I watched Jane Eyre and made a fruit pizza. Woopteedoo!
I start work again tomorrow. I'm really trying to stay positive about all of this. But the more I'm at this job or even think about, the more I see myself doing something else. Still in the same area, but not so money driven. 
It will be ok. Just have to keep breathing, keep working, keep thinking about the people I love and why I'm doing all of this. Trials never last. This too shall pass.

If anything, my prayer life is getting a work out.

Wanting a hug,
signing off.
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