Weekend crafting - part one

Dec 02, 2013 23:07

I've been calling all those crafting stuff I do Craft for Dummies when in reality, they're more or less Craft for Really Lazy People Who Want Instant Gratification.

Here's how to add a little bit of deco to a simple mat the lazy way!


1. Get materials ready.

You'll need: fabric scissors, fabric tape and the mat. Bunny not required.

2. Cut equal strips of fabric tape out and space them according to your design.

Notice that I don't even use a ruler here because I'm a pro in the fine art of ~estimation~.

3.) Cut and paste to form words.

...Well yeah it's the shortest mat appropriate word I could think of. /lazy

4. Improvise/adjust.

The cool thing about fabric tape is that it's really flexible and peels off easily if you need to fix anything (really useful for people like me who don't plan ahead when they do things).

It seemed a little too plain at first with just the word alone so I folded a piece of fabric tape into sections to see if it'd look better with a squiggly line under it.

Using the folded sections as a guide, cut into equal strips. Reminder: you'll need to flip and cut opposite-leaning strips too!

Arrange before pressing down firmly on the edges of the tape to ensure it's taped down well.

Because this is just fabric tape, it'll likely come off if you need to wash the mat or if it's scuffed on too hard. Not an issue for me since I live in a flat and shoes aren't worn in the house. This is more like a decorative piece outside my door to welcome guests with.

The mat costs just S$1.50 from IKEA and depending on the width, you can get two or three rolls of fabric tape from Daiso for only S$2. Who says crafting has to be time consuming and expensive?

By the way, IKEA items are really easy to spice up thanks to their minimalistic look. Check how this magazine holder looks before and after with just some decorative tape and stickers.

Optional: paste a large decal or graphic poster on it, depending on what suits your home decor better.

Close up on the details.

5 minutes and a couple of cheap decorative materials later, your run of the mill IKEA item has transformed into something with a little more personal touch to it!  \o/

I got the patterned strip by layering a transparent decorative tape over the black electrical tape, and the striped tape is just fabric tape. Both are super easy to remove so you can jazz this up in a different way when you get bored of how it looks.


Remember that I mentioned I have tons of empty frames in my house? Here's another quick and fun way to fill it up.

1. Cut a piece of glossy paper to fit the frame.

2. Write a pretentious quote on the paper with liquid chalk marker.

Optional: draw or stick stuff on it too.

3. Frame and display.

Took out the clear cover so it can be wiped and rewritten/drawn on without removal from the frame. It works like a mini blackboard and honestly, cleans off a lot easier than traditional chalks too. <- very important point for lazy folks


Other stuff that has fallen prey to vandalism with stickers.

Yeeeep I can get a little too carried away with stickers sometimes haha.

P.S- Reminder to self, send ridiculously overdue mail out tomorrow. ;-;

home sweet home, photos, mail, crafts

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