Dímelo tu estrella fugaz

Aug 12, 2005 23:03

Today I installed a new computer monitor in approximately 20 minutes, wrestled with my grandma's fence, and made turkey burgers for dinner. I rock. XD

Um, what else have I been up to...? On Thursday, Jennie and I got lunch at In 'N' Out and then watched a couple episodes of Star Trek: TNG. Good vegging fun. ;)

Ooh! I also finally bought a digital camera! Yay! It is my belated graduation/birthday present from my grandma. She's so happy that I finally chose it. ^^; Hopefully it will get here next week so I can play with it on vacation. (Vacation from what? I still don't have a job..... *sigh* I even applied to a flower stand that specifically said "no experience necessary" and I haven't even heard from them. This is rather sad. I guess I'm just too 1337 for all of these jobs... :P)

So from the 19th to the 23rd I'll be in San Jose, for my stepdad's family reunion picnic. We are on paper plates and cups duty, but I want to bake some cookies or something. I <3 baking. So we will probably just bake cookies anyway. I mean, you can never have too many cookies, right? ;) Then from the 23rd to the 26th I'll be in Cambria, which is a cute little ocean town. It's a great place for relaxing. And you can see more stars there 'cause it's farther from city lights. I just bought a book of constellations, with their mythological stories and stuff, whee! *is a dork* ^^;

I think that's it. I promise I'll put some actual content on my website soon. ^^;
Oh, and Franky-poo, I need to talk with you sometime.

I'm sleepy now, so night-night!

food: cookies, job hunting, vacation, baking

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