lavvyan Day! She is super-awesome and I like her lots. ♥ In honour of which, she gets a wee podfic, but it is all hers for today so I'll post that proper-like for everyone else tomorrow.
New SGA ficlet: [
1,001 First Kisses ] @
Also, I get to have Thanksgiving today! My Arlington grandparents didn't go to Texas this year, so I am going out with them later. I am sort of sad that I am missing out on a day at the Smithsonian again (because that was so much fun last year!), but family is good too! And, of course, real Thanksgiving food! \o/ We are going out to the Officers' Club (my grandfather is ex-military), which is very posh a nice restaurant, so I have to dress up to the nines.*
But for now, I am working on term papers because that is what holidays are for.... (Unlike most other days when I am a slave to academia, however, there is at least the promise of turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and PIE later, omnomnom!)
*My OED curiosity again-(up) to the nines: to perfection, to the highest degree or point. In later use chiefly in dressed (up) to the nines: dressed very elaborately or smartly.
Not the first usage (which was 1719), but this one is more amusing: "1787 Independent Gazetteer (Philadelphia) 24 Mar. 2/3 Last Saturday, one of those notorious villains,..dressed in his laced cloaths, and powdered off to the nines, went on board of a brig, bound for Calais."