How would you illustrate 'Wind'

Jul 05, 2011 17:57

Yeah.... this may be a rather silly topic... I was thinking of needing an icon for my own portfolio website (Which I never thought much about it back then)

There is the theme of 'Wind' in the name of my website, and suddenly now I just realised, how do I go and illustrate this as a logo?

I've looked up the word(+ logo) for images on Google and deviantart.

In Google, I see pinwheels, wind powering generator (Or whatever you call those that generate energy from the wind), a few stripes that can be interpreted as waves more imo.

In Deviantart, I see female (& male) characters & maidens with their hair blown, pinwheels, clouds, grass, trees, flowers, dandelions, animals, leaves, Zelda Wind waker, wings and any other object that serves as a medium to illustrate the possibility of a wind; there really is no definite picture for it.

We can only feel it, not see it, if I go and draw curves or curls or lines, would anybody know what it is? o.O; (Why must I always pick the hardest path?)

I love the name too much to give it up anyway... I'll probably end up drawing curls for a logo (hahahaha) 8D;

As a really random topic, if you have to draw 'wind' how would you draw it?


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