Who Was She Looking For?

Dec 03, 2006 03:32

It's nights like tonight that make me seriously ponder how much longer it will be before I become completely and royally desensitized to "dronk" people. My room-mates came home, and apparently brought guests with them (which is fine, because someone needs to finish the copious amounts of alcohol in my fridge so that it can be re-stocked with real food). Anyway~ I heard someone outside my door, and suddenly my door is actually opened by someone other than me. This absolutely never happens, which is nice, because it gives me some confidence in my ability to maintain my own little "personal space bubble" (or whatever). A relatively young blond woman wanders in, clearly not "all there" (the glazed eyes sort of clued me into the fact that she was inebriated... well that and the fact that I did not know her yet she was coming into my room)

I think I said "Ah.Yes...?"

(Shouldn't I have a better response to people randomly walking into my room? I practically view it as territory...) She quickly realized she was in the wrong room, and, I assume, began to apologize or explain herself, but I cannot verify that because she was either drunkenly slurring, speaking another language, or (my guess) a mixture of both. Then she promptly wandered right back out of my room.

At least she seemed nice. And... I'm not going to hold it against her that she wandered into the wrong room while drunk because... well... I've wandered into the wrong apartment while dead sober. Of course, I had thought it my apartment; I just missed it by one building. (The resident did not seem too disturbed by my presence... even though I just stood there dumbstruck before I said "Oh, Uh, sorry... this isn't my apartment... Um... I'm Amber, nice to meet you. I'll go now." Therefore, I now know the name of the french person living in the next building over (which is more than I know about the neighbors in this building.)

Also, I am thoroughly happy to say that, minus about... twenty-seven chapters, I have the scanlations for a favorite series of mine. Some of the scanlations are Low Quality, but they are that way purposely, and I may well end up buying several tomes of the series by the time it's done anyway, so I'm not flustered. It beats staring at Chinese and wishing that it could at least be Japanese so I could try to read it. I also spent a nice amount of time compiling 54 chapters of another manga that I like... I might make an extra gift of it to my little sister, since it has a flair for dark humor in it and her response to Texas Chain Saw Massacre (the movie) was "Wicked <3". ^_^'

I think I might also have stumbled across a series that my sempai in particular would enjoy, but it's only four chappies so far (and I have no idea whether it'll be ongoing or not). Of course, I could be misjudging her preference for plot-development-style and what-not, but I'll never know unless I happily thrust it upon her to try it.

I've had this horribly nagging feeling I've forgotten something this weekend, and it is bugging the heck out of me. I think it's just the lack of classes I've had because of school-days, but I'm still paranoid about it. That and I think I might have to walk in the snow for about an hour or so tomorrow to get to a performance (well, I could try at least to catch a bus and shorten my walk by thirty minutes...) The JOYS of taking a class about Understanding Dance. I have every respect for dancers; I know they work hard; I just do not particularly like being mandatorily shoved out into the cold to trudge my way through slush to a student ballet performance (is that really necessary).

On that whiny note, I think I've said everything.. at least 'til the next time I feel like babbling via keyboard.
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