(no subject)

Feb 14, 2007 17:59

Soooo... nihon ni totemo ikitai yo! I wish I could use proper font, but unfortunately, my computer is an evil britch, and I am a smidgeon computer illiterate. In any case, here comes the Valentine's Day love:

On this warm (except for the temperature) day, I hope everyone is enjoying someone's love. It might seem a strange thing for me to wish since I rarely broadcast my overly romantic tendencies, but the truth of the matter is that my grandparents are totally to blame. (yep yep, I speak the truth). When I was little, my basket of candy for Valentine's Day from them was nearly as big as what I might expect on Easter, except with lots of hearts. The lovely little toys and candy from my grandfather and grandmother alongside all the giving of cheap Valentines to all your classmates (even though I was horrible with names) really soaked me in the idea that Valentine's Day is about Love in every conceivable way.

It's obviously a day built primarily around the love a couple should have for one another, especially when you consider that it falls around the same time as the old Roman celebration/ fertility rites of the Lupercalia, which included (ZOMG) some whipping. *wriggles eyebrows suggestively.*



However, I think that it is still an excellent opportunity to celebrate loves of all kinds. The relationships we hold with people are very precious, and we should occasionally reflect on how to maintenance them. (gah, that sounds stupid ^_^). Romantic and Sexual love aren't the only sorts of love-based relationships that hold us together and give us the support we need year-round in our oft-hectic lives.

I love my family.

I love my friends.

I love my hot boys.

(*chortles* Ah, the advantages of being single...)

In any case, I hope everyone single, less-than-single, and coupled-up has an amazing Day of Love, ne!!!!

*huggles you all, even if you didn't want it* Bring on the chocolate ^_~

valentine's day

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