The Real Reason I'm Repeatedly Told I'm Insane

Sep 20, 2006 19:07

It seems to be a rite of blogging passage that I explain at least once my sleep patterns. As in, it might seem I have none. Last night being the supreme evidence towards my madness, I acquired one hour's sleep to Justin's disapproval and Sempai's utter lack of surprise. (It's sickening how well you know me, Kat @_@)

It's the inevitable combination of a certain need to release emotional frustration, a driving desire to try and understand my Latin assignment (which didn't happen 'til this morning, and yet somehow that worked ^^), and my already powerful late-night-owl urges.

My mother stays up ridiculously late too, and in that manner she and I are so alike. Only I stay up later-- sometimes. If I ever have children, I pity their sleep schedules should they take after me.

Part of my sleeping may be due to a slightly different body clock. I once heard that a study was done in which a group of people were isolated so that they could not tell the actual time outside. The majority came out to roughly sixteen hours awake and eight hours asleep. A minority--but still notable-- group in the study instead snapped into a schedule of twenty hours awake and ten hours of sleep. If someone has this tendency, it's not surprising that life and sleep would conflict, given that their bed-time would become nightly later.

Also, there's the fact that I just never feel like I have enough hours of the day to socialize, study, have alone time, study (^^ again), work, and eat. I think I may have one of those unusual body-clocks, but I'm not helping the situation with forcing myself awake even when I am tired. On that note, I am going to go to bed early tonight.

If you like, feel free to tell me what YOU think your sleep pattern is?

p.s. oh, and I'm NOT going to let last semester happen again, I pulled two, sometimes three all-nighters a week then ^_^' .
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