Mar 3, 2011
Cooking thermometers became very popular. There are plenty of different models available on the market today both analog and digital:
They all utilize the same principle - they help to determine the cooking time by detecting the moment when the temperature in a certain place of the prepared food, like piece of meat, riches a certain point.
The problem
Even though this method works, it is not very accurate and it is prone to errors affected by the cooking conditions like the shape and size of the meat as well as the cooking temperatures. The cooking is a physical and chemical process that causes the molecules of the prepared ingredients to change their state. The results depend on many factors. The most important are: temperature and time. It is obvious that if the cooking temperature goes up, the cooking time can be reduced and vice versa. So, the statement "your meat is ready once the temperature inside riches 170 C" is as vague as the statement "you'll get to the next gas station once your speed riches 50 km/h"! Both examples ignore the time factor.
All that we have to do to resolve the problem is to the take time into account. It is very simple! Instead of using the inner temperature as the food readiness criteria we have to use inner time integrated over the time. In other words the proposed integrating cooking thermometer will measure the inner temperature in equal periods of time, lets say every 60 seconds and add the results together! We will be comparing the running total measured in [degree * second] against some predefined target values that were determined by experiments.
Modern digital cooking thermometers have everything we need to implement this method. All it would take is to slightly modify the embedded software. Definitely it is quite easy to let such thermometer to work in two modes: ether as a regular thermometer or as an integrating thermometer depending on some user controlled switch.
Everyone can freely use the ideas and principles described here in any product and sale these products for profit under two conditions:
- You can not patent it.
- Each product that uses ideas and principles described here should include a reference to the source, i.e. this post.
See my other ideas:
Integrating Cooking Thermometer Toothbrush dryer HDR Camera Введение
В настоящее время широкое распространение получили термометры для приготовления мяса и других продуктов. Существует два вида термометров - аналоговый и цифровой. Работа и тех и других основана на простом принцыпе - они позволяют определить момент времени, когда температура в определенном месте приготавливаемого мяса достигает заданного значения.
Описание проблемы
Конечно, зная текущую температуру во внутренних точках приготавливаемого мяса, можно судить о степени его готовности. Однако данный метод весьма неточен.