Crazy - Buffy (Anya/Xander)

Feb 01, 2006 21:55

Hey All
I know i haven't been on here for absolutely agggeeesss and it's probably really shameless of me to just come on and plug my new story lol but i don't care. I've been really busy with work and other bits and bobs so haven't really had chance to do anything that i really wanna. Hopefully might get some time in the near future to come on and be a bit more active again but who knows, anyway here's a little story i wrote after having to listen to my dads taste in country music over christmas and having it just swirl through my head for a hour or so.


Anya raced into the room slamming the door behind her. The mirror she refused to acknowledge rattled against the wall in protest, but she didn’t take any notice. Didn’t want to look at puffy eyes, tear streaked cheeks and swollen red lips after all they weren’t good enough for Xander Harris, so why should she have to put up with them.

Once she was in what, would have been their apartment she collapsed into the nearest chair. She didn’t move her trailing dress, didn’t care if it got caught and ripped, she was well past caring about some stupid dress.

Don’t get her wrong she’d liked it at first, adored it even. Some days it took everything she had not to try it on constantly, and Willow had sworn to kill her if she’d asked why they’d got to hide it from Xander once more. Telling her that it’d be bad luck if he saw it.

Had Xander seen it? Had he found it? Was it all more than just some stupid human superstition?

It didn’t matter though now. The dress was no longer a symbol of a dream day, their future together, now it was just a reminder of lies, anger and pain.

It deserved to get ruined.

The dress, her hairstyle, her shoes. Everything had been picked specifically.

She had paid a week’s wages for her shoes, shoes that had taken her hours to choose, trying hundreds of different pairs on.

Shoes that had been killing her feet all day.

In a wave of anger, she pulled the shoes off and threw them across the room. The first connected with the wall, the other with the stereo before, both falling to the floor with a flat thud.

The stereo suddenly came to life, a bright blue glow lightening the darkened room as the first beats of Xanders country album began. She didn’t recognise the tune until the lyrics began.

Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue

Slowly tears began to fall down her cheeks, and she tired not to think how ironic the lyrics were. She was crazy for how she felt, she should be angry with Xander wanting to rip out his innards and smear then across the wall so everybody could see. Yet all she could do was wonder where in the hell he was, wanting him to come home so they could work things out. Even if it ended up with them screaming at one another, at least she would know where he was.

Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wond'ring what in the world did I do?

Suddenly their was a knock on the door and a surge of hope raced through her.

“Xander” she whispered. Jumping to her feet, she raced to the door. Pulling it open her hope and smile quickly disappeared.

“D’hoffryn” she greeted the looming figure.

“Anyanka” he replied proudly. “I’ve got a proposition for you”

I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you.

anya, buffy fanfiction, xander harris/anya, stories

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