100 Word Drabble #18 - A Late Entry for the Challenge of "Fall"

Sep 28, 2005 09:22

Unlike with small children, when your muse is kicking and screaming you just have to let it out, and for the past couple of days my muse has been threatening grievous bodily harm for this little piece to be written, and so late or not I just had to write it.


If Anya had been there, she’d have called him an idiot.

“What if you’d fallen?”

“What if you broke something and got trapped?”

“What if I never saw you again?” but he’d never even considered that. Not seeing her again, not until it was too late. That’s the whole point, the reasoning behind his impulsive action. Sunnydale was the embodiment of everything he’d had with Anya, the route of all his memories. Yet now all that was left, the first and last glimpse of his home town, a single metal sign. Whose words greeted everybody,

“Welcome to Sunnydale”

buffy fanfiction, drabbles, stories

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