Continuing on a Theme...

Sep 13, 2012 12:34

I was listening to Les Mis again today and I saw some people walking around the development and I had a feeling they were probably JW's. As luck would have it just as they got to my place the song 'Lovely Ladies' came on. I had been sitting on the porch with the boys and had the sound up so I could hear it so I know for a fact that they could hear it...

Snippet of Lyrics to Lovely Ladies:

Lovely lady!
Fastest on the street
Wasn't there three minutes
She was back up on her feet

Lovely lady!
What yer waiting for?
Doesn't take a lot of savvy
Just to be a whore
Come on, lady
What's a lady for?

Old men, young men, take 'em as they come
Harbor rats and alley cats and every kind of scum
Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land
See them with their trousers off they're never quite as grand
All it takes is money in your hand!

Lovely ladies
Going for a song
Got a lot of callers
But they never stay for long

IDK guys maybe I'm easily amused; but it made me chuckle to have these ultra-concervative, super-religous people going on about doomsday and the end of the world and have a song about hookers blaring out of the house.

real life, blah blah blah, making people uncomfortable is fun, random, musical: les miserables, i lol'd

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