Weird/Depressing Crossover

Sep 12, 2012 18:48

So I've been listening to the Les Miserables soundtrack and Oh My God the crossover/fusion possibilities are Endless.

Bear with me here:

The Hawaii 5-0 Version:

Danny - Fantine
Grace - Cosette
Steve - Valjean
SEAL Team - Chain Gang
Wo Fat or Jameson - Javert
Peterson (Danny's former partner) - Thenardier
Dylan (kid from the Pool in that one episode in S2) - Marius
HPD - The Factory Workers/Whores
Toast - Grantaire
Kamekona - Enjolras (or Gavroche for the humor factor)
Chin - Joly
Kono - Feuilly

The Criminal Minds Version:

JJ - Fantine
Henry - Cosette
Rossi - Valjean
Strauss - Javert
Will's Family - Thenardier
Jack Hotchner - Marius
Spencer - Gavroche
Gideon - Grantaire
Emily - Enjolras
Hotch - Courfeyrac

IDK I think it works... I could totally cast the Babylon 5 people, and the BattleStar Galactica, and the StarGate: SG-1 and Atlantis people too, but y'all get my point right?

idek, tv show: criminal minds, wtf brain, musical: les miserables, crossover of doom, tv show: hawaii 5-0

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