I need Puppy-Pile Fic

Jul 13, 2011 10:10

So life is hectic ATM (which I guess it probably is for everyone...) but I'm craving Puppy-Pile fic. Y'all know my fandoms so Have At It. Write me Fic where everyone is collapsed on the nearest surface in a gigantic tangle of sleepy content-ness.

Please and thank you.

The Sentinel

StarGate: SG-1 and Atlantis

Hawaii 5-0

Criminal Minds

Law & Order: All Iterations



White Collar

Burn Notice


Dog The Bounty Hunter (which I still want to see crossed over with Hawaii 5-0)


I will also gladly accept RPF of any of the above.

In Fact, let's make it a Fic-Fest. Tell your friends to tell their friends all about it.

Imagine a pretty/shareable banner here...

tv is my life, idek, i can haz, f-list: all, fic idea, please to be writing, fandom

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