Blathering About Hawaii 5-0. Feel Free to Skip

Jul 02, 2011 19:58

So I decided to make a 'Family Tree' of sorts for Grace (two reasons 1. I'm going to write a school-project fic about it, and 2. for my own personal reference/background for future fics). I've given both Rachel and Danny's parents names. I've also given Stan's baby the baby a name. I'm not sure whether to include Kamekona, and Amy and her son (Meka's family). Chin-Ho and Kono are on the tree.

Do we at any time know if Matty is Danny's only sibling? I feel like it was mentioned in canon that he has two sisters (but we were never told their names). Are more siblings canon or fanon?

As far as names go this is what I have:

Rachel's parents: Millicent and Terrence (They sound suitably English and Pretentious, yes?)

Danny's Parents: Bernadette and James (Bernadette is my mothers name, and James for James Caan) I'm going with Irish-Catholic for the familial background on them.

Danny's Sisters: Lisa and Kate (I've married them both off and given them each a kid).

Anyone I should add? Take-away? I purposefully left Stan's family blank 'cause I don't care enough about him to make it up I totally see Grace not considering him 'Family' enough to put on it.

character: grace williams, fic idea, thinky thoughts, fandom: hawaii 5-0

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