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Will Blaschko Photo-A-Day
This is Ken Williams, a great and very intelligent man, whose sole purpose in life is to decide whether I pass grad school or not. Well, that's not the only reason he's alive, but he taught me through my first two weeks of grad school, my intensive cultural awareness class that's required for graduation. This is during presentations, when, for 6 hours, we sat and watched other people perform their 35-45 minute summaries of one aspect of what we learned during those two weeks. I just liked how he was framed up against the window, the light behind him. And no, he's not picking his nose, that's just how he sits when he thinks.
This photo was taken with my Tamron 90mm Macro lens. It was very dark in the room, and the picture turned out well balanced and exposed exactly how I wanted.
There are a handful of other pictures from OB1 presentations, some funny, some not. But either way, they can be found
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