Backstage Pass Access At Warped :)

Jul 02, 2005 17:09

I've gotten so lucky lately at concerts. :-D Got backstage passes! And Bob from MCR remembered us and asked to us if we wanted to hang out after the show. Yay!

Buddy (singer of Senses Fail) and I by the tour buses.

We got there really fuckin early, and got picked for catering after much volunteering and waiting. We served all the bands, they were all soo nice, and got to keep our backstage passes so we could go back anytime and watch the bands from the side of the stage. AND we got passes for warped in Ventura so we get backstage again. Not many pictures, but a few.

The catering tent where all the bands eat and hang out.

Bert from The Used played trumpet, sang, and drummed with these drummers who played on trashcans. I didn't know it till I turned around and saw him standing there.

Bert drumming, bad pic cuz I was behind the stage :-/

My Chem. People were nuts but not as bad as in Ohio

Crowd for My Chem.

My ticket signed by Bert, Buddy, and the dummer from FOB. I could have had other people sign it but I didn't really want to, it was nice just talking with them.

My friend Rudy with Sunny in From First To Last. When Rudy started walking up to watch them from the stage, the stage manager said no. Then he looked at John (in the band) and John flicked off the stage manager and let Rudy come up to watch. :)

Rudy with guitarist from Senses Fail.

This was an accidental picture but when I looked at it I realized it had the singer from The All-American Rejects in it lol.

Drummer from FOB not lookin too happy lol. I kinda accidently knocked him over earlier that day.. :-P

Frankie and Rudy after My Chem's set. Didn't get to talk to him much cuz he like slept the whole day or something.

Bob and Rudy. This was when Bob noticed us, walked up to us, asked "What are you guys doin? Just hangin?" ... "yea. Why, you wanna hang?" ... "I have to go to a quick band meeting like we always do after the show, but after that ya, definitely. I'll be around the catering tent. Come find me." :-D

It was awesome. It was great giving all the bands food cuz they are sooo nice to whoever gives them food. I think the best part was before we started catering, I was getting coffee and it happened to be the same time Mikey (bassist of MCR) was getting coffee. He handed me my cup, and then when I reached out to pour it, he asked my what the wrist bands are from on my hand. It was just cool that he initiated conversation with me.

Got to talk to Gerard, Bob alot, Mikey a bit, but couldn't really find Frank or Ray. Still awesome. And all the other bands. The best was talking to the singer to The Matches. (great band if you haven't heard of them). He remembered me from earlier and when he was getting food he goes "I didn't know you're the salad girl! Does this mean you missed our set?" ... "yea... it sucks I'm really sorry, but I'll be there at Ventura!" ... "You better not miss it then!" ... "I won't I promise!" The bassist was really cool too. Then after that I saw him talking with someone so I walked up to him and grabbed his hat and put it on me. He winked, and then told the person he was talking to "one sec." He goes "I'm still mad at you for missing our set." He was so cool, and when I said I had to go he opened his arms up, gave me a big hug, lifted me off the ground a bit then put me back down. "I better see you in Ventura!"

I also exchanged emails with the guitar tech from Hopesfall who happens to have went to school with the guys from The Used. He introduced me to loads of people, it was great. Really nice guy.

Fuckin amazing. Day. Woke up at 4:30 got home at midnight after a nice stop at IHOP but well fuckin worth it. Can't wait till tomorrow to do it again :)

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