Spent the past 3.5 days recording/mixing Hollywood Ending's new demo. I
think we put in a total of about 45 hours, but it was way fun and
turned out great. I realize it's named after me but it was not my
idea!! :-P
Very funny video of kyle jumping, screaming, and dancing in excitement to a finished version of a 'Top Story.' Listen to 'The Thief and The Fraud,' my personal favorite. You can get a complete demo from me, Kyle, David, Sean, or Steph. Now for pictures!
There were six guitars stored away in my bathroom haha. Awesome.
The drums took about 6 hours. It would get so hot in that room cuz we
had to keep all the doors and windows shut. It was like a sauna, so we
took a pool break. No one had swim cloths though, so we got to be
amused by Steph's outfit: sport bra and basketball shorts. One song
took Sean over two hours it was insane, but he did great :-D
Kyle laying a couple guitar tracks down.
Can barely see my couch.
Kyle singing to Steph so she could get some of her bass down. When
Steph has her headphones on, she screams sooo loud. She was playing and
then all of a sudden she goes "I CAN HEAR MYSELF!" (in the headphones)
and everyone jumps and Sean got it on video hahaha good times.
No David the first day. Everyone left around 9 after we got yogurt (bu yo!!).
Davey playin guitar. AND he's wearing an MCR shirt cuz he fuckin rocks.
Steph on the comp helpin me.
Two of my favorite guys :-D
DAY THREE - vocals...
Dave dancing inbetween his singing parts. hehe
David hit Kyle in the balls lol
After finishing mixing it around 11, Dave and Kyle left while Steph and
I tried to clean a few things up and burn it. Finally we bounced to disc
The time Steph left. I added a couple things today but it's all done and it sounds great. Congrats guys on the finished product!
Oh and DAVID: we should hang out soon so I can give you the CDs and you can pass em on. Plus I wanna see ya!