Title: Escape Fandom: ASOIAF Characters: Arya/Gendry, Sansa Rating: PG Words: 535 Summary: Arya gets ready to escape with her lover. Warnings: Spoilers go up to and including ADWD. Part of my Gendry/Arya/Aegon series.
Title: Aftermath Fandom: ASOIAF Characters: Gendry/Arya, Daenerys Rating: PG Words: 387 Summary: After almost ten years of winter, the war was over. Warnings: Spoilers up to and including ADWD. First part of my Gendry/Arya/Aegon series.
Title: Dawn Fandom: ASOIAF Character: Arya, Gendry Rating: PG Words: 607 Summary: "Arya, why are we awake at the crack of dawn?" "Because shut up." Warnings: Set after they leave Harrenhal. Can be seen as Arya/Gendry or just friendship, I guess...