
May 01, 2013 00:08

Title: Aftermath
Fandom: ASOIAF
Characters: Gendry/Arya, Daenerys
Rating: PG
Words: 387
Summary: After almost ten years of winter, the war was over.
Warnings: Spoilers up to and including ADWD. First part of my Gendry/Arya/Aegon series.

After almost ten years of winter, the war was over.

A new queen sat on the Iron Throne: Daenerys Targaryen, who rode to the battlefield in the back of her fierce dragon from across the narrow sea. She was loved by many, feared by most, and her dazzling beauty was currently the most popular source of inspiration for songs.

Arya met Queen Daenerys along with his sister Sansa, her brothers Bran and Rickon, and Sansa brand-new husband Harrold Hardying (her marriage to the Imp was cancelled, which apparently was possible since they didn't sleep together). She declared Winterfell should be guarded by Bran, with certain assistance until he was older, and Sansa was to remain in the Eyrie as ruler of the Vale along with Harrold. Arya had a hard time recognizing her, recognizing all of them; the war had changed them all very much, but at least they were alive, and Arya was beyond happy with that fact.

"What about me, my queen?" Arya spoke up respectfully.

"You suffered a lot, Arya Stark" the queen said. "You all have. I can assure you, this will not go unpunished, not as long as I'm your ruler. However, as the times of peace seem to approach us now, it's time to settle down and plant our roots. I want to choose you, Arya Stark, to seal my sympathy to House Stark and the North. I want you to please accept my nephew."

Arya knew what accepting meant. Daenerys wanted her to marry Aegon, and have his children, and sit down in a castle and spend her days sewing and giving birth. Just the life her father had once described for her, the life she was destined to lead. She had forgotten just how much she dreaded that life during the war.

After the audience with the queen, Arya quickly retreated to her chambers. As expected, Gendry was there waiting for her. Their lips promptly met as soon as the door was locked; their age wasn't the only thing that had changed on those ten years. They had learnt to know what was on each other's mind with just a look, and when their lips parted and their eyes met, he didn't have to think twice.

"Run away with me, tonight" she whispers.

"Yes" and he kissed her again.

arya stark, daenerys targaryen, gendry, gendry/arya, a song of ice and fire

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