Jul 05, 2006 21:38
01. what is it that you genuinely look for in a significant other, besides the obvious "a sense of humor"? be as specific as necessary.
Here's the lofiest response ever to this question: older men with at least a bachelor's or higher. Preferably still academically connected somehow. And someone who'll push me to do things (but respects when I really really really don't want to do something like, skydiving). Because then that means he actually cares.
02. if you had to give a cold, substantial definition of what love is, exactly, how would you define it as?
You know how irritable and helpless and childish you can get when you're really sick? If someone's still willing to cuddle up with you, that's love.
03. if you've ever been in love before or are currently in love, how did you know that you were?
I haven't even come close.
04. if you couldn't major in what you're currently majoring in, what would you pick instead?
I was just saying this tonight - history. I'm such a semi-closeted history nerd.
05. why did you break up with your last girlfriend/boyfriend? do you think there might be a chance you will get back together with this person?
I guess the last guy I broke it off with (who I really didn't date much anyways) was only because he was acting weird and over-interested (it's possible). And no.
06. do you have any friends who are not of the same political affiliation as you find yourself to be? is this something that is difficult or easy to overcome?
It's only difficult if the other person is not willing to listen. I can get along with them up to the point that they negate me trying to explain my view to them.
07. if someone put a gun to your head & told you to pick only one best friend, why would you choose that person? what makes them so special to you?
My brother. The only person who will probably live with you and deal with you the longest is your sibling. Your parents won't always be around and are usually harder to get along with and friends and relationships come and go.
08. based strictly on looks alone (regardless of reasons for social spotlight), who creeps you out?
Someone that I met recently who looks way too much like a plastic doll.
09. even if you aren't interested in any procedures whatsoever, if you had to get something on your body cosmetically enhanced or reduced (risk free), what would you choose?
My hips don't lie. They tell you exactly how much crap I eat. And therefore, they must go. Yes, I incurred Shakira.
10. what is it that you like about your hometown? what is it that you dislike about it?
That it was generally a safe place to grow up. That most people never end up leaving it.
11. would you say that you're an attractive person? which celebrity, do you feel, resembles you most?
Sometimes I have nice eyes. I don't think I look anything like any celebrity but once my favorite marketing professor called me Avril and I was not happy.
12. what are you allergic to? what happens if you come into contact with these allergens?
Apparently, just having contact with things. I have an odd skin reaction to MERE TOUCH. I'm a freak, what can I say.
13. would you ever seriously consider being in an open relationship?
If I was only interested in sex and that's it, which I wouldn't be, so no.
14. how many of your closest friends have divorced parents? do you see the divorce affecting them (whether inwardly or outwardly), and in what ways?
Most of them, which puts me in the minority. Sometimes I can tell that it's bothered people, just in how they handle relationships (either getting into one after the other) or trying to control everything or just giving up on things.
15. have you known anyone who has gotten an abortion before? what were their experiences like (both mentally and physically)?
16. realistically, what are your plans after you graduate college?
Realistically, I'm going to probably stay at my current job for a year, find another more marketing related one, move out of my apt and find a roommate and make better friends of my new friends. Fantastically, I'd go back to grad school in a year or two, move in with my boyfriend, buy a house on the cape and keep an apt in the city...
17. do the holidays or your birthday make you depressed? why?
Sometimes, considering I always, without fail, get my hopes up only to have them dashed.
18. are there any tv shows out there that annoy you for how unrealistic they are?
All tv shows are unrealistic. Therefore, they all bother me.
19. currently, is your life very different from how it was a year ago? how so?
Besides being out of college and being a year wiser, not so much. But we'll change that.
20. what is something that most people seem to really like, but you don't?
Pot? I just really hate even being around it.
21. do you prefer male or female doctors? is your preference out of a comfort level or do you have another reason?
Female, out of comfort.
22. what is your favorite restaurant to go to for italian food?
Right now, Limoncello in North Square.
23. if you have a job, what do you think of your co-workers?
They're all pretty awesome. I love working in a small office.
24. what classes are you taking for the upcoming semester? are there any that you're looking forward to?
If I stay at NESL maybe I'll take a law class.
25. what are some diseases/conditions that run in your family? are you worried about your health?
Heart-related ailments. I'm sure they'll kill me soon enough.
26. if you were to throw a theme party this weekend, what theme would you pick? what would your costume be?
If Nid & the rest of the actors were still here, I'd stay another Scron party (Return of the Scron). My costume would be the drunk girl, over there.
27. where is the most beautiful place you've been to?
White Mts, NH.
28. what are deal breakers for you in terms of relationships?
Don't tell me what to do.
29. who is your favorite author? of their books, which is your favorite? what is it about them and/or their style of writing that speaks to you in a way that another author hasn't?
Kerouac: On the Road - I read it at a time when I was still trudging through the classics and it was like a slap to the face; like, writing can be like this! Just all over the place, crazy, exciting, full of life!
Kundera: The Unbearable Lightness of Being - I think Tom said it best by describing it as "almost metaphysical" (or something like that, I'd hate to misquote him).
30. is your body a temple?
A temple that has been abandoned for centuries in the rainforest.
31. what has been the worst physical pain you've ever felt?
The two or three times I had food poisoning.
32. what are some things that you really just don't like about yourself? have you tried to change them?
My shyness, my tendency to take things too seriously. I've tried to change them but they seem too deeply engrained on my personality.
33. do you have a "crush" on anyone right now? what makes them so special?
Well if Pepe moves to the North End and all, I might have to. Simply because.
34. are there any kinds of professions that one might have that turn you on (ex. positions of power, jobs that give back to the needy, etc.)?
Professors are hot. Done.
35. do you know of any people who have never been in a relationship? why do you think that is? how do they feel about it?
Some, maybe because they're too shy or haven't met anyone that meshes well with them.
36. when a relationship is good for you, what's the best part? when it's bad, what's the worst part?
Grade A Snuggling. Not having them to talk to.
37. is there anyone out there that you hate or genuinely don't like at all? what is so awful about this person?
I only dislike anyone who's legitimately wronged me in the past and that number's pretty low.
38. what's your favorite snl skit spin-off movie?
The Blues Brothers.
39. do you have any friends who walk right into your house without knocking or informing you that they're coming over? does that bother you?
Ann Marie and Adam sometimes did that, during the summer of Bikefest.
40. what are some of your mom's personality flaws? some of your dad's?
My mom is irrational. My dad has a short temper.
41. what do you think of people who have resorted to online dating services?
I don't think good or bad about them, I just think online dating is a weak alternative.
42. what do you think of people who seem to make a habit out of not reading?
Those people who have "books are heavy" personalities seriously irritate me.
43. what are your opinions about people who "fall in love" in a matter of months? is it possible to truly be in love with someone in such a short time?
I don't know for sure, but I do know too many people who say they're in love rather quickly and then one big fight and then they suddenly hate the other person forever. So, how does that work?
44. are any of your friends in relationships that you don't approve of? what's wrong with their relationship?
A couple people I know are just dating people who are making them unhappy and ruining their other relationships. And they really need to wise up.
45. assuming that there are people out there who don't like you, what is it about you that you think (or, know) they don't like about you? can you understand their position(s)?
I'm a snide bastard sometimes and in my defense, only when I think people deserve that attitude from me. But I'd understand if they hate me.
i am so bored.