May 01, 2006 20:12
With the end of the semester approaching, reading time is being eaten up by the surge of literary journals and magazines that have just been published. Also, my New Yorker subscription just started so that's going to be taking decent amounts of reading time away from my ever-lasting book pile.
Anyways, these and all other excuses aside, this is April:
Harryette Mullen: Sleeping with the Dictionary
Paul Rieckhoff: Chasing Ghosts
Emerson Library:
Milan Kundera: Life is Elsewhere
Milan Kundera: The Farewell Party
Neil Postman: Amusing Ourselves to Death
Kalle Lasn: Culture Jam
McSweeney's 14
Robert Putnam: Bowling Alone
Not For Tourists Guide to Boston
Jack Kerouac: The Dharma Bums
Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections
Completed: Mullen, Kundera x 2, Postman, Lasn, NFT
Still Reading: Rieckhoff, 14, Putnam, Kerouac, Franzen
Abandoned: 0
Total books read for April: 6
Total books read last month: 6
Total books read for the project: 19