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Dec 03, 2008 12:52

I recently had a few problems with my "best friend"...I think an eleven year relationship is very close to being over.

As long as I've known her, I've always been her back up. When she didn't have someone cooler to hang with, something better to do...when she needed a true friend, she came to me. She has never done the same. A few weeks ago, we got a bottle of vodka, she only had debit, I only had large bills...I told her I'd pay her when I broke mine (after paying utilities)..wich was in about 3 days. To the point of this, she forgot said agreement and went off on me saying I was using her and she's tired of it. Whatever. She also called me a greedy bitch because I wouldn't give her any of my clothes...most are still not fitting me right (I still have baby belly)...and she's still twice my size.

Anyway, I ended up having to send her home because not only did she drink damn near the whole 5th, she started asking me out; begging for sex. I kept denying her, explaining I had a boyfriend, I already have someone on the side, I don't think of her that way, whatever I said, she just didn't get. She started saying if I didn't go out with her and/or have sex with her, she was going to kill herself.

We got over that, now she and my other friend are fighting. Apparently, Paul got them talking online...and crazy friend started to hit on other friends boyfriend, and all their friends...online. She was inviting people over for sex and stuff. They got in a fight, and now she's pissed because people think she's a slut.

Moving on, Thiemo is still not working. He's not really looking. I'm getting tired of having to clean, cook and work while he stays home with the baby and plays video games, smokes and listens to music all day. It wouldn't bother me if he would do something around the apartment without me having to throw a bitch fit, but that doesn't happen.

Nora is 4 months old now. She's eating cereal and a few baby foods. She's getting so big and so smart. She's got to be the happiest baby ever. Except when it's time for professional pictures, paid for by Grandma. That day was a disaster. :P

About the birth and stuff.

A few days before she was due, I noticed her not moving as much. I went to the mat. ward, they did fetal monitoring and an ultrasound...the midwife, who was a bitch, told me I was imagining things and overreacting. (She told me off because I used to smoke and quit when I found out I was pregnant...said I was stupid for having started. That may be true but it's not her place, as a nurse, to tell me that.)

July 29th, I went in for induction. I was at about 2cm...they started pitocin. By 11 the next day, I was only at 3. The kept increasing the pitocin. By noon, I was 5. Increased again. 2:30, still at 5, no changes, pitocin in maxed out. They go to break my water, Nora pulled back...they felt the cord around her neck. 3:00, I get a call from my OB, saying I need a cesarean. 3:30, I get the epidural (the worse part). My doctor arrives at 4. By 4:07, Nora is born. I didn't feel a thing.

When I first heard all the voices saying it was a girl, before I heard her cry and when I heard her cry, it was a flood of emotion. I felt everything great at once, and a few things not so great. I was happy, excited, anxious, cold, lonely, scared..all at once. I thought of all the things that could go wrong, all the things that went right, what I could miss out on, what could be wrong with her...it wouldn't stop. I cried. I couldn't talk. she was perfect, beautiful. She was a mess. :)

I wasn't able to do it naturally, as I had wanted. It's not recommended to try in the future, now that I have scar tissue on my uterus. I wasn't able to keep up with breast feeding because I couldn't be as mobile and it was difficult to hold her. That doesn't matter though because she's here and healthy and she's given me a reason to live and do better.

I already want number 2. lol

I'm having surgery on Friday..cryosurgery. It's non invasive and done in my OB office. My cervix has abnormal cells, they may be pre cancerous, so they are taking them off before anything has a chance to develop. I'm a bit scared.

Nora has a doctors appt. tomorrow. She gets more vaccines and stuff. Daddy gets this one. :P

this is it for now. :)
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