Looking Back To Look Forward

Oct 20, 2008 03:39

To say I've had a hard time of holding onto any vestiges of my former Christian upbringing would be an abject understatement. My faith has been slipping for some time. The problem is further compounded by things that make little to no sense in the overall scheme of things and by having met one too many clergy that were suspect in their duties. For instance, If the Jews are Gods chosen race. I have to wonder why he didn't at least make a cameo appearance during the holocaust in Nazi Germany. When close to six million of the folks you claim to carry a torch for are put to death and you remain in a holding pattern it makes me speculate how much worse it has to get before an appearance by the big cheese is warranted. I hate the word Blasphemy. It's the ultimate cop out designed to stop you in your tracks from even questioning the Big Mahoff and his methods. Somehow that didn't work for me because the older I got and the more I saw of Christianity the more shitty the whole of it seemed. The final nails in the coffin of losing my faith in God have pretty much been pounded in since I've moved down into the thick of baptist country. I can tell you with all certainty that anyone that I've met here whose either told me they are a Christian or have been described to me as a Christian before I met them has turned out to be the most despicable and loathsome people out of all the folks I've met since living in Georgia. Pretty bad when you trust the sinners more than the saints. As I've said before, if it happens that I'm wrong and God does indeed exist......I have some Ssssplaining to do before dancing on the hot floor.

Airsofting tonight could prove interesting with temps dipping down to the high 30's. Getting hit should feel pretty snappy. Hopefully the Gun Gods will be with me. Was that a blasphemous remark? O_O HAGO AATR

this and that other thing

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