Sleeve Dag Fabric Requirements Spreadsheet

Apr 17, 2010 20:04

Sigh, I have to go back to NY to be with my sister for some unexpected surgery, so my actual construction of  the Arnolfini gown will be delayed until I get back in May some time.

But, in the mean time I am posting an Excel Spreadsheet with some of my calculations.  I am not sure how much use it will be to anyone.  I haven't been able to write down my construction methods so the calculations may be pretty obtuse.  And I have only documented a Vertical layout (with the length of the dag strips running along the warp)   Aside from that, there may be some errors.... But if you are so inclined feel free to take a look.

It is posted in Excel Format 2003 and a PDF.  It was created in 2007 (but the link won't work) so it may look a little goofy in 2003.  Nothing is protected so if you want to fiddle with it in Excel, you should probably save an "original" copy first.

Right now it is set up to change (fiddle with) pleat dimensions(X,Y) on the Main worksheet and the Number of flaps per inch on the Subcalc worksheet.

I am sure I will have many hours in the hospital room to fiddle with this and will post updates.

Just as a side note, if my construction methods and calculations are correct the dagging requires Absolutely F%&*ing OUTRAGEOUS amounts of material.  It occurred  to me that if they did it like this the gown  would be VERY heavy, especially with fur added.  But I suppose if you were a wealthy lady you did a lot of sitting around looking good and maybe doing handwork....... In a cool environment, as long as you weren't moving much it would be VERY COZY!

arnolfi, sleeve, pleats, historic, dags, costume, arnolfini

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