Dec 16, 2008 15:09
So, I skipped school today because of not feeling too well. I don't know why, but I always seem to get sick this time of year. It kinda sucks. I really don't feel too bad though, and in all reality I probably should have gone to school. Chalk it up to laziness. Something I feel like has been trying to engulf me more and more ever since I moved into this house. I just need to stop farting around and keep my head in the Word instead of being online and playing Warcraft so friggin much. That's the real truth there. I missed the last two weeks of church, well not missed so much as didn't go. Makes me feel like crap. Almost like my spirit is starving, and I'm tired of doing this to myself. In my parents house I had a degree of accountability in such matters. But for stinks sake I'm 28, I need to be disciplining myself to do this. Where is my fire? That passion for Jesus Christ is there, I just need to figure out how to rekindle it.