Who's Zooming Who?

Jun 27, 2008 13:19

Kanna had a startling revelation from the doctor the other day. I won't go into details, but she really needs to lower her cholesterol and bring her sugar down. In short, we are looking at another lifestyle change. Being the supportive husband I am, I decided to go it with her (as I could probably stand to lower mine a bit as well).

We went shopping last night, where I discovered something that really hit me several months ago (when I first began my own lifestyle change), but was reinforced as we were reading food labels last night:

It costs you more to be healthy!

Wheat bread (better for you than white bread), for example, is almost a full dollar more per loaf! Low-fat goods tend to be higher priced! This is ridiculous!Someone is getting rich off of us trying to do the right thing and get healthy!

Are doctors in league with the food industry? I'm beginning to think so!

We also discovered that regular Lay's snack products (Cheetoes, Ruffles, etc.) are no worse for you than the Lay's "baked" line (supposedly healthier). I prefer the baked because of the taste, but Kanna likes the regular Lay's snacks and last night we discovered that between the two, the regular is actually healthier than the baked!


Anyway, this is really hard on Kanna. She already has so much wrong with her (glaucoma, bad hips, blind in one eye, lactose intolerance, allergic to nearly everything) that to add high cholesterol (and we're talking dangerously high) and borderline diabetes to the list has really dragged her down. She feels like she's breaking down (and I understand).

I'm trying to keep her spririts up, but this latest thing really got to her. She is already limited in what she can eat because she is lactose intolerant and allergic to just about every fruit and vegetable known to man, but to tell her that she has to cut sugars and carbs as well? Come on, people!

I told her that I would help her eat healthier, but that she doesn't have to go cold turkey. She can gradually wean away from the really bad stuff. Still, any suggestions are appreciated.


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