It's Official...

Jun 30, 2008 14:49

...I am an idiot.

For the last couple of weeks, while working on transferring pages over to our new web site (which was designed for us), I have been doing all the HTML coding by hand which, while functional, is very time-consuming (not to mention that it screws up pages when I miscode something). One condition for the company that was designing the site was that it be very user-friendly (that is, not HTML knowledge necessary) because several people in the office have absolutely no knowledge of HTML and will be making updates.

I signed in and began making updates, only to find that it was not, in fact, very user-friendly and that the editor showed only the code (not WYSIWYG). I didn't think much of it, simply because the hosting company allows the use of FrontPage and I figured that folks on staff could use that to make updates.

That is, until today, when I was talking to the company that designed the page for us.

He could not understand why I had an issue, claiming that the editor was perfectly user-friendly. I protested, saying that it was not. Then I realized that, being a person who lives in the 21st century, I accessed the editor through Mozilla Firefox. I realized that we must be seeing two different things.

When I logged on through Microsoft Internet Exploiter, there was a beautiful WYSIWYG editor. At least the boss will be happy. As for me, I'm just aching over the hours of hand-coding that I put into the site, simply because I didn't think to check it in IE.

One day, the world will come into the present with the rest of us and switch to Firefox exclusively, and crap like IE will be long-forgotten. How I long for that day.
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