Nov 08, 2009 09:55
My shoulder is acting up again. And I tried putting ice on it before it got bad, but it didn't do anything. It just kinda, delayed the inevitable. Only, this time, it never got up to the point where it's so excruciating I almost pass out. Which is, apparently, what has to happen before it starts to feel better, because it's aching, STILL.
And, I watched the current episode of CSI online. And it made me squee not a few times in happiness. Especially the bit where Greggo is talking to himself, and the bit where Hodges is all "I just want you to be happy." towards Wendy. Even though she's trying to pull a "Sanders" and go into the field. Growled at the idea that Ecklie was keeping Wendy out of the field, especially when the night shift is still short a pair of hands. Laughed when Nick was about to jimmy open the lock on his vic's house with a credit card/id badge. Also when Doc Robbins clapped to turn his lights off/on. Went "Awwwww" when Nick was talking to the first vic.
Also, watched all three of "The Librarian" movies on TNT. Decided they are the ultimate geek's action movie. Spent most of my time watching sans pants, so whenever I needed to leave my dorm room for something, I had to jump off my bed and go, "Where did I put my pants this time?" before I could go anywhere.
Soooo.... pain makes me ramble, apparently. I'm done now.