Announcing: The Second Annual (!) who_like_giants Minor and Original Character Ficathon!

Jun 05, 2011 15:08

The ficathon went so well last year, and produced so much fabulous fic, I just had to give it another go. So, here we are!

If you participated last year, much of this will look pretty familiar. There weren't any problems with how I ran it before, so why fix it if it ain't broken? If you didn't participate last year and you'd like to see how it all shook out, use the !ficathon tag to browse.


Who's the ficathon for?
If you're a fic writer who has an interest in the "minor" characters inhabiting the Doctor Who universe, or someone who appreciates well-written original characters in fanfiction, this ficathon is for you. There's further detail in the userinfo about what I mean when I say "minor character." Both minor and original characters require a great deal of creativity and imagination to flesh-out satisfactorily, so I hope that this will be an enjoyable opportunity to flex those muscles for interested writers.

How will it be run?
In an attempt to please all the people all the time (in fandom? surely I jest), and to deal with the fact that there are very few people with exhaustive knowledge of all areas of Whoniverse canon, there will be two options for participation, as well as separate divisions for minor and original characters.

Option 1: Using the prompt bank.
Some people like writing to prompts. Some people like throwing prompts out there to see if anyone will fill them. For these folks, I will be opening up a prompt bank for submissions. Anyone will be able to submit multiple prompts, I will list them in a separate post, and ficathon participants can choose one at their discretion. This does mean, however, that this is not a fic exchange. Submitting a prompt will be no guarantee that someone will fill it. I will, however, look discreetly away if anyone wants to self-claim their own prompt.

Option 2: Eschewing the prompt bank and writing whatever your little heart desires.
What it says on the tin. You may still sign up for the ficathon and simply elect to not use any of the prompts.

Minor and Original Character Divisions
Whether using a prompt or not, participants will be asked to sign up for either the Minor Character Division or the Original Character Division. I know that some people have strong feelings about original characters in fanfic, so I'd like to keep these divisions separate so that people can avoid the OCs if they so desire. Prompts for the Original Characters Division are separate from the Minor Characters Division and have slightly different requirements. Please see the prompt submission form (below) for details.

The Important Details:
  • We are open for prompts starting right now, and will close for them on Thursday, June 9, Noon EST. At that time, the prompt bank will be posted for perusal of ficathon participants/other interested parties.
  • Actual ficathon participation sign-ups will be open June 9 through June 13, Noon EST.
  • Completed fics will be posted, starting July 11 and continuing onward until they've all been posted. One person will post per day, and you get to pick your posting day when you sign up. Posting will likely continue through mid-August.
  • I'll post more detailed instructions on how to post completed fics when the deadline approaches, but it's basically just allowing people to post their fics wherever they normally post them (on the due date they have chosen, and not prior to that date), and asking them to link those posts back here so I can make a central index.
  • Completed fics should be at least 1000 words. No upper limit.
So, if you are still interested, (optional) step one is to submit some prompts for the prompt bank. Please use the link below to do that.

(prompt submissions are now closed)

Step two is to sign up, which will happen starting on Thursday. Look for a post at that time.

Ask questions in the comments!


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