(no subject)

Jun 06, 2011 18:31

I'm new to the comm and I thought I'd post some old drabbles and ficlets of mine. Enjoy!

Characters: Eleven/Canton
Spoilers: a little for 6x01 and 6x02
Rating: PG
Prompt: Doctor Who, Eleven/Canton, once upon a time...

Once upon a time, there was a man.

This man was no ordinary man. He wore a bowtie and braces and tweed and occasionally a fez. He talked too much and somehow managed to never really say anything at all, but that was just part of his charm. He looked normal, sort of, except he was anything but: he was an alien.

And once upon a time there was another man.

This man was also no ordinary man, but in a different way. He wore a plain black suit and tie and carried a gun and occasionally shot people. He didn't talk much, but he was honest. He looked normal, was normal, but aliens were better accepted than he was.

"The problem with the Doctor," Canton still has to explain to himself sometimes, on days that he has to try not to check every phone booth on every corner, "is that he always leaves. And once he's gone you never really stop waiting for him to come back."


Characters: Suzie
Spoilers: "They Keep Killing Suzie"
Rating: PG-13 for language
Prompt: Torchwood, Any, holier than thou

She hates the way they look at her.

This is why she wanted to leave, Suzie thinks, staring at Jack through hooded eyes. They don't want her. Never did.

He's looking at you like that because you shot him through the forehead, a nasty little voice at the back of her mind whispers.

But he didn't die, she retorts, adjusting the hood over her wounds. I did.

The first sign of insanity is talking to yourself, she remembers hearing once, and she would laugh if she wasn't back at fucking Torchwood. Back at Torchwood with Jack and his holier than thou attitude. With Owen and his snark. Toshiko and her technology. Ianto and his cleanliness. And Gwen with that fucking gap between her teeth (Owen never could resist a girl with a gap between her teeth) and how could she be replaced with a little girl like that?

Fuck Torchwood. Fuck them all.

Characters: Ten, Jenny
Spoilers: New Who 4x06 "The Doctor's Daughter"
Rating: PG
Prompt: Parents: Doctor Who, 10 and Jenny, Father for a day

He'd only known her for a minute, but already he knew more about her than she did. He'd only known her for an hour, but already she had broken him out of jail. He'd only known her for two hours and already she'd adopted his moral views. He'd only known her for three hours and already she'd died for him.

He was only her father for a day, but it hurt just the same.

Characters: Keisha Jones (canon daughter of Leo Jones), Eleven, briefly Rory and Amy, mentions of the other Joneses and Mickey
Spoilers: Minor for the end of End of Time
Words: ~1000
Rating: G
Summary: She was raised on stories of the alien called the Doctor and his magic blue box. She just never, ever imagined that she would get to meet him herself.

( Keisha Jones was a perfectly ordinary young woman. )


Fandom: Torchwood/BBC Sherlock
Characters: DI Kathy Swanson, Sgt Sally Donovan, briefly Sherlock Holmes
Spoilers: Minor for Torchwood 1x08, "They Keep Killing Suzie". None for Sherlock. (Note: Set before the start of Sherlock 1x01, so no John.)
Words: 785
Rating: PG
Summary: Kathy is sent up to London to help out on a case and meets a sergeant with a very specific opinion on a certain man.

Detective Inspector Kathy Swanson did not like London. It was smoggy and dirty and crowded, and to top it all off it was currently raining. )


Pairings: Tommy/Tosh
Spoilers: 2x03 "To The Last Man
Rating: PG-13 for implied sexual activity
Prompt: Torchwood, Tommy/Tosh, eternity

He doesn't know who she is but he can remember her.

The memories are just little flashes, there and gone, but they're enough.

Having a drink with her and watching a war on a little panel set high up in the wall, like a moving color photograph. A different war, but wars are all the same.

Laughing with her by the sea, everything weird and futuristic but all he sees is her. Hair falling in her face and she brushes it away impatiently. Her clothes are too bright and too revealing to ever be appropriate, but they suit her.

The feel of her skin on his and the sheets soft against his bare back. Softer than the army cots and softer than the hospital beds. Feeling safe with her in his arms even though dread threatens to break him, and he doesn’t remember why.

A complicated mechanism, cold and heavy in his hands and he can't remember how it got there but suddenly she's there and she tells him what to do. He doesn't know who she is, but he knows he loves her.

There's an order he doesn't hear and flames exploding in rifle barrels and for once he doesn't flinch, but holds her in his mind as he falls into eternity.

Characters: Death
Spoilers: Vague for Torchwood 2x07 but nothing you would get if you hadn't seen it. I made up the bit about the Gallifreyans. Makes sense, though, yeah?
Prompt: tw100 #187, x factor
Words: 100
Rating: G
Summary: There's something about the living.

So many times, he’d been released, and so many he times he had come close - so close - to being free. But always, always, they stopped him.

Long ago, so long ago, the ancient Gallifreyans had trapped him, had found a way to harness his power and pass it down in their DNA, so each of them could literally defeat death up to twelve times before finally succumbing to his powers.

Then they had fallen and he had been passed along, but always beaten, again and again.

And now the humans, for the second time, always finding a way.

character: jenny, character: canton delaware, character: original, character: tommy brockless, !fanfic, character: keisha jones, fandom: doctor who (new), character: suzie costello, fandom: torchwood

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