Sunday 26th May

May 26, 2013 21:57

Do you have a Doctor Who community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the who_daily reading list.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter, who_daily will no longer link fanfiction that does not have a header. For an example of what a "good" fanfic header is, see the user info. Please note, the fic must have a header with the fic, not just in the link post, in order to be added to the newsletter. Thank you.

Off LJ Links
Blogtor Who: RIPT Apparel t-shirt offer
TARDIS Scanner: report on a Daily Mail article blasting Doctor Who and Race book
TARDIS Scanner: Doctor Who meets Star Wars
(News via via blogtorwho, tardisscanner, og_news, among others.)
(For additional news, please visit: googledw)

Discussion and Miscellany
wwhyte loves The Highlanders
doctorwho20in20 asks you to vote in round 32
shengongwu has a question regarding the S7 finale
a_leprechaun on Time Lord rock and an awesome guitar
somniumdraconae with a River/Clara theory
hammard on The Tomb of the Cybermen
chapeauxchick is looking for soundclips
wordsinhaled is looking for screencaps
diggerdydum has an enormopoll

New Communities and Challenges
who_contest: voting extension on the Bad Weather challenge
clara_who: Remember Me fanworkathon masterlist

Single Part/Completed Fic
I Have Lived by charlottetrips [Eleventh Doctor, Clara | PG]
Unwilling Sleep by kitty_ryan [Jenny/Vastra, River | T | post-S7]
Rooftops by amberfocus [TenII/Rose | T]
Planet of the Leaves by owlsie [Eleventh Doctor, Clara | G]

Works in Progress
Broken by kelkat9 [chapter 1/? | TenII/Rose | Adult]
Time and the Trickster by lumendea [chapter 30/? | Rose, Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, others | T]

such_heights with Hammerhead [Martha]

If you were not linked, and would like to be, contact us in the comments with further information and your link.
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