Do you have a Doctor Who community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the
who_daily reading list.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter,
who_daily will no longer link fanfiction that does not have a header. For an example of what a "good" fanfic header is, see the user info. Thank you.
Off-LJ News
Doctor Who News: Nightmare in Silver: Official Viewing FiguresDoctor Who News: Details announced for the next Splendid Chaps performance/podcast: "Six/Clothes"Doctor Who News: BBC Books: Autumn ReleasesDoctor Who News: Independent Publication RoundupTARDIS Newsroom: the end of "The Angels Take Manhattan" (direct link)Doctor Who News: AudioGo: June ReleasesDoctor Who News also has an update on its open competitionsvia TARDIS Newsroom: Bleeding Cool: Tony Lee to return to Doctor Who comic story "Dead Man's Hand" (News via
blogtorwho and
tardisscanner among others. For additional news please visit
googledw and
Communities and Challenges
challenge #4 extended Discussion and Miscellany
parrot_knight has
thoughts about "The Monster of Peladon" wwhyte has
thoughts about "The Power of the Daleks"lillibetm3 found a Doctors and TARDIS Quertee shirtazarsuerte is
looking for a specific Martha mood theme trickster88 is promoting
a Who/Supernatural/Sherlock BBC crossover "movie" fanfiction project on Tumblr (banner is a moving gif)
50th anniversary countdown: #26settiai wants prompts in several fandoms, including Who Fanfiction
Echoes of Goodbye by
funkyinfishnet [Kate | G]
"If You Want Something Done--" by
hawkmoth [Clara, the Woman in the Shop | G | Spoilers for Series 7, Part 2]
Trespass by
hawkmoth [TARDIS | PG | Spoilers from "The Bells of Saint John" to "Hide"]
The Boy Who Waited (12/49) by
locker_monster [Rory, Barbara | PG]
Icons and Graphics
immortalje has
53 Series 7, Part 2 icons If you were not linked, and would like to be, contact us in the comments with further information and your link.