26 Weeks to 50: The Tomb of the Cybermen

May 25, 2013 16:20

We've almost reached the halfway point in my 50th Anniversary countdown of aggregated poll results for Doctor Who Books, TV Serials & Audio Dramas, with number 26:

26. The Tomb of the Cybermen

Doctor: 2nd (Patrick Troughton)
Companions: Jamie, Victoria
Alien: Cybermen, Cybermats
An archeological expedition sets out to discover the last resting place of the cybermen. However, they may not be as dead as mankind believes...
Why is it so well loved?
1. It has some of the best character moments of the 1960s, in particular The Doctor discussing with Victoria about remembering the dead.
2. The sets are huge and fabulous, combining sleek sixties futurism and a Pharaonic feel.
3. The cybermen may well be at their most frightening, with their silent glistening forms coming out of the pods.
Statistical Snippet
This is the most popular of the 2nd Doctor era base-under-siege stories.

reviews and reactions, cybermen, patrick troughton

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