Hold the Front Page! It's the Who News!

Feb 09, 2013 21:58

Hot on the heels of the other day's announcement, we have yet more news coming in regarding Mark "any old @#&?!$ with an Equity card"*** Gatiss's upcoming and increasingly promising-sounding making-of-Doctor Who drama An Adventure in Space and Time:

The role of William Russell, a.k.a Ian Cheltenham, hmm, Chesterfield, hmph, Chesterton, yes, is played by...the son of Count Scarlioni?! O.o

And check out that picture below of David Bradley's left eye and nose looking spookily like those of William Hartnell...

Meanwhile, the role of Jacqueline Hill a.k.a. Barbara Wright is to be played by Jemma Powell. I can't say I'm conscious of ever having seen Ms Powell in anything, although I suspect that I probably have at one time or another, but I can say she looks uncannily like the real Jacqueline Hill, imho anyway.

And introducing, in the role of "Harry", a certain promising young newcomer called...William Russell...?! ;)

And in other news, details are now available for the third release in BBC AudioGo's Destiny of the Doctor series, due out in March. It's...UNIT!

***look it up! And be amused, or shocked, or amused and shocked. ;)

50 years of who, first doctor, fiftieth anniversary tv programming, 50th anniversary news

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