Even More Who News!

Feb 11, 2013 23:23

Today's headlines:

From hammard, we have confirmation that Matt Smith is not ready yet to have his uniquely-shaped head turned by the lure of Hollywood. The article also incidentally (or accidentally?) confirms some other details about the Who schedule for 2013. There apparently will be a Christmas Special this year. Because, you know, you had us worried about that for a while there, Steve.

But wait! The revelations of this news produces nothing but scathing and furious anger from various Who fans commenting below the linked article!!

Apologies to "Anonymous" by the way for making mock of her/his rapid typing, but this is a classic:

"Oh come on Moffat can at least have multiple episodes for the 50th I mean it's such a big event it should be celibated in style"

Think about it...

It's okay, though, Who fans! Auntie Beeb has taken your furious anger on board and apologised...kind of...

And just to prove how very, very sorry they honestly, truly are (about you being furiously angry, anyway), or alternatively perhaps to punish us all for having the temerity to question Der Moff, the 50th Anniversary Hour is going to be in glorious, vertigo-inducing 3D!

Just like Dimensions in Time! And we all remember how brilliant that was, don't we kids? Don't we...?

50 years of who, fan speculation, fiftieth anniversary tv programming, 50th anniversary news

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