42 Weeks to 50: Poll-of-Polls Countdown: Army of Ghosts\ Doomsday

Feb 03, 2013 10:23

Continuing my 50th Anniversary countdown of aggregated poll results for Doctor Who Books, TV Serials & Audio Dramas, with number 42:

42. Army of Ghosts\ Doomsday

Doctor: 10 (David Tennant)
Companions: Rose (plus Mickey & Jackie)
Aliens: Cybermen, Daleks
When The Doctor and Rose return to the Powell estate they find the world has changed. Every day, at certain times, ghosts appear throughout the world. It somehow involves the shadowy Torchwood, a mysterious Sphere and a parallel world the Doctor thought was sealed forever.
Why is it so well loved?
1. It gives the fans what they'd always wanted, to see Daleks and Cybermen fighting each other.
2. It ends the tenure of the first companion of the 21st Century, in heart breaking fashion.
3. Yet, at the same time, it never forgets to inject a large amount of humour into the preceedings.
Statistical Snippet
This story contains not just two of the most popular monsters in the top 50, it also contains the 2nd most popular doctor within the most popular medium.

Apologies for the delay.

X-Posted from Doctor Who

50 years of who, tenth doctor, television stories, poll-of-polls countdown

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