You know everyone worries aobut their writing, from grammar to spelling, characterizations, whatever. A lot of people never try to write, but wish they could. Some people write, but never show their work to anyone. And then there's me.
I always loved reading fanfictions becuase I knew I couldn't write them. Knew it. I wrote my novels and built my world and timeline, which I have yet to send to a publisher or the like. I've a whole world created, timelines, races, maps, etc. I've a whole novel finished and a bunch partway done. Still hasn't gone anywhere. Why? I think, no, I know I suck at writing certain things.
Descirbtions has never been my strong point, give me talking anyday. Then, of course, there is my awful inability to spell or remember certain rules of grammar (certain meaning 'all' and one point or another). Even with the grammar book right in front of me I still can't get commas correctly placed. Word order can be an issuse. Oh, and let's not forget the grand fun of losing words between my brain and my typing fingers or adding words (I do that too).
So, what do we have to blame my actually writing fanfiction on? It was all (okay, mostly)
alex51324's fic's falut. See, this is how it went: No, shit there I was reading a fic of alex's and I read through the comments as I'm prone to do. And while I adored the fic and liked (okay, okay, loved) everything else by that author it wasn't what I wished someone would write about H/W/Ch. *sigh* So, I went hunting through what few comms I knew about at the time (which is about three less than I know now) and couldn't find anything. Oh, there were wonderful fics, great takes on chracters and/or situations. Lovely ideas and nifty stories. Yet nothing clicked. Some made me laugh, cry, or wrinkle up my nose before hitting the back button. Some made me want to read more, now, now, now. Some made me go try to nagvigate people's journals looking for other things they might have written. And yet, nothing was what I truly wanted to see. After all threesomes are rare and pairs, while fun, have never been my favorite.
Now between nothing and mad (something said about someone's fiction in their comments made me instantly pissed, a nerve was struck) I started thinking. You have to understand; me thinking isn't safe. Oh, no, not at all. I thought maybe, even though my writing sucks, I could try writing something. Hmm... Yeah, there and then, fic was born. I wrote what I hadn't been able to find as best I could.
I'm slowly learning the ins and outs of lj. And about how I ought/need to do things, and how I want to do things. I'm quite the stupid newbie in most respects. I was always a lurker, until I actually made an lj accout solely for the purpose of commenting on a fic of alex's a little over a month ago. Obviously that purpose has expanded since then. If it weren't for people pointing things out to me about what I'm doing right and wrong I'd never get any better. Although some things I can't ever fix or improve since I just don't see them properly (have I mentioned how much I hate the word 'cushion'?).
And I still want to read more fics. I find myself lurking and I try to force myself to comment on what I read (which I think I've done all of four times so far). :P I want to encrouage others to write too or write more. And yet, I'm usually this pissemistic person that sits quietly in the corner that no one wants to talk to. What right do I have to nudge people towards something they aren't sure about? Why should anyone listen to me about anything? I can't even keep a layout of an apartment straight for one whole page.
I would really like to see more people write. You should see some of the drivel I started out with in grade school. Hell, you should see Binding Forces before revisions are made. I make little to no sense sometimes. You never know until you've stuck your neck out there. Everyone thinks differently and they write differently. I would love to find what I can't write for myself somewhere, someday. Maybe what I find will be your writing.