Illusion (Epilogue)

Nov 21, 2011 21:00

Author's note: Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your support! Originally, I only intend to make this a two-shot story, but I received a good response from all of you and I am able to make it this long. As everyone of you noticed, the last part seemed rush. Because honestly, I really rushed making it, thinking that I have to end this soon. Sorry if it disappoints you.

I have a long time at home so I will be making more stories, I'll try other couples too, and I hope I will be seeing you in the future too!

Yongseo lives on! Because, they are worth it. They appreciate us, let's spread love and positive vibes around us just like what they did, are doing, will do to each other. Never doubt whatever relationship they created through WGM. Because that's real, no matter what others are saying, eyes can't lie, especially Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joohyun's.

용서 is magical


“I can’t believe I’m doing this” Yonghwa complains for the eleventh time in the span of thirty minutes.

I wiggle my toes to mock him more, softly chuckling at how irritated he looks like with nail polish on his hands. We are, just like any other day, spending time until another party tonight, at his apartment. I have grown accustomed in each part of his place that I feel more at home here than our house.

Or maybe the fact that I know he is here answers. I don’t really care.

“Whining will not make you finish” I point out, hiding a smile in front of the newspaper I am reading.

“Baby, you know I love you but this is plain ridiculous” I hear a quick sound of the bottle on the center table, a cue to finally put down the Society section of today’s newspaper.

Pouting at him, “Thank you for that, Mr. Jung Yonghwa, but I just want to see if you paint well” My eyes sparkling with innocence as I keep myself from laughing at his crunched face.

It has been weeks since our graduation, there was month that we rarely see each other due to the excessive works we had to pass to graduate so as soon as we left the congratulatory dinner with our parents, we haven’t left each other’s side. My life is turning better than I imagined, I start embracing how I am really blessed with everything. I can buy everything I want, I have better relationship with my parents, friends are always around and I have Jung Yonghwa.

“You don’t want your toes to look bad for the party-“ I finally look at him squarely, starting to entertain the annoyance from a boyfriend who whines too much. “Fine. I’m almost done, see?” He is about to grab the bottle when I could not hold my laughter anymore and just burst it all out.

“Oh my God. You are so cute when you are like that!” I extended my arms at him to ask for a hug, appreciating each day that I spend with him.

He sighs dejectedly, looking like I bullied him into painting my toes with red nail polish. It is an idea I got from Nicole, who asked one of her past boyfriends to do it for her. And with half an hour of trying to not fail miserably, he is actually doing well.

Dropping at my side after a long tight hug, he throws his head back on the couch, his arm still dangling around me. We have been dating for almost two months, keeping it low from spying media who puts meaning behind our dating, I am learning a lot while being with him, how to consider his feelings about everything I think about, how I should constantly open my heart with all the possibilities and downsides of dating, and to know my capability of caring for someone so much.

He bulges from his seat when his phone rings, taking a breath before grabbing the cordless phone from the side table. I nonchalantly go back to finish reading an article about a party we’ve attended two days ago, checking if there were bad stuffs written about us.

Besides from business-focused media, we always have to deal with important society people from the media, for our vanities sake, to keep our prominence still shining on top, to spread how relevant our names are. It may be the most annoying and absurd thing in the world, but not ours, it seems like we are guided by this invisible rule to keep up with our dignity higher than others. Even the amount of whatever stuff we put in our body.

“Who was that?” I ask, a moment later after he hangs up the phone.

“The lady confirming our arrival”

Coincidentally, we both plan to study abroad so we come up with an intelligent plan, well Yonghwa did, to stay in one apartment in New York. Though I insist on giving a part with the payment, he announced one night that he already paid for our four years stay.

Such a show-off.

“You know what…” He starts leaving kisses on my cheeks down to my lips, making it soft and perfect. I raise the side of my lips, hearing the husky voice that he always uses when he’s up with something. “We can ditch that stupid party” He snatches the newspaper I am holding and throw it on the side before wrapping his muscular arms around my waist to settle me on his lap.

I chuckle, throwing my head back to let him access more on my neck, “That’s quite stupid. Nicole arranged that party for us, you know. Remember that we are planning to ditch our parents’ plan for us to study more?” I explain, joking at the last sentence.

Though it is a hard decision, knowing that I am already in good terms with my father, I am getting a writing course in New York for two years and another two-year business course at a graduate school. Dad finally agrees to continue studying writing, so in return, I promise him that I will take whatever position he wants for me but I can do anything with what I want too.

If only I realize this sooner, earlier, I could have breath more.

He doesn’t reply but continue admiring the softness of my lips with his, our tongue searching something inside the soul of our mouth. Earning a low growl from him when my fingers reflexively strangling his hair as I feel his tongue running all over my collarbone, I am so close to agreeing with his suggestion. He begins unbuttoning my shirt and I am not even trying to stop him.

As our heat continues on, my unbuttoned shirt hanging on my shoulders, his shirt already somewhere lying on the floor, our kisses getting more intense, touches delivering passion and loveliness towards each other. Just like the rare moments when we couldn’t fight the urgency of ourselves, he pushes himself in the hottest part of my body.

We already done more than this, feeling each other even with our clothes on, twice and it were the most amazing nights in my life. He is great in everything he does and he knows it, I can still vividly remember the screams, endless panting and the incredible contentment every after.

My cellphone rings while we are in the middle of going to each other’s limit, tempting to just let everything out due to the atmosphere.

“Don’t answer” he begs, the huskiness echoing in my ears, his fast breathing blowing against my left cheek.

Instead of replying, I pat the couch for the damn thing and press the call button without looking at the screen. Heaving a shaky breath, “Hello”

It takes a moment for someone to answer, I can hear a loud music at the background. “Oh my god, Seo Joohyun. Don’t tell me you are still making out with your boyfriend and you are not yet prepared for your ongoing party?”

Shoot. “No, Nicole. I-I’m-goddamnit” I curse under my breath when Yonghwa decides to play around by squeezing my left breast and humping yet again. “-We’re-“

“Honey, please. Control your hormones and go here. I mean it. Come here. Now” If I wouldn’t know exactly when my best friend is angry or not, I still think she is still speaking in her sweet voice, but I can clearly hear the venom spitting in that voice.

“Of course” I hurriedly cancel the call and lean my head back on the couch, letting my boyfriend’s kisses spark all the energy inside my system. “Babe, I need to prepare for the party” I murmur, combing my hair with my fingers.

I softly push him away, standing on my feet without unbuttoning my shirt. I am on my way to the bathroom when I feel his arm over my shoulder, I look up at him with an eyebrow raised.

“Bathroom” He brings down his face to breathe on my ears, suggesting what I am exactly is thinking about.

After almost two hours of handling an uncontrollable Jung Yonghwa, an unforgettable love making inside the shower, long foreplay while trying to wear our clothes and just spending another night lovingly, we are finally close to where we should be hours ago.

Bombarded by dozens of cameras, it takes almost another hour for us to get through the thick crowd of congratulatory bullshit and fake good luck for us. The bar that Nicole rented speaks the modern and perfectly darkly lighten place, almost like Star in the Moon without the dining tables. Attendees are all around our age, sparkling greetings welcoming us.

“Oh my gosh, finally!” Nicole sprouts from nowhere and already giving me a quick kiss on my right cheek.

I roll my eyes in mock exasperation, “It’s not like this party won’t function without us” I comment, looking around with pleased eyes.

Everyone seems to be a good time with their drinks in hand, moving along with the beat of house music playing, whispering and laughing. Maybe I’ll miss a part of the daily parties I have to attend in Seoul, maybe I won’t, but I am going to have fun this time.

“I’m sorry Yonghwa but I would need your girl for a while over there” Her thumb point something over her shoulder, a smile stuck on her face.

Yonghwa looks at me with his lips slightly pouting, his playful eyes shining at me. “I’ll be…wherever” He says, already looking for his friends around the bar.

I just nod while he leaves a peck on my temple before walking away.

“I’m jealous!!” Nicole squeals right into my ears and it earns a bewildered expression from me, confused as to what level of jealousy she means. “Oh. I mean-whatever. The guy is practically head over heels for you!” I just shake my head, a bit too nervously.

The night passes with almost everyone I know spending my last day in Korea. I’ve get to talk with acquaintances from childhood, middle school, high school and college, exchanges stories that I ignored while I was still struggling in the dark. And as I exchange a lot of glances and stares at Yonghwa who I haven’t talked to again since we’ve arrived, I am finally grasping my perfect life.


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