Illusion 6

Nov 10, 2011 09:53

My universe seems to spin properly once again, the stars aligning and my moon shining brightly to guide me. I feel the lightest the past few days and maybe the coming three days left until my father comes back from his new business venture somewhere in North America. I haven’t heard from him since the wine bar incident and I’m just simply grateful. I am glad that whatever fate there is decides to let me breath for even just a while.

I can sleep longer than before. I open up more, I show expressions more. I finally have the courage to step out of my shell and close it behind. Tiffany and few girls from the publication would say it is because of Jung Yonghwa. He somehow becomes a constant fixture in my life, the patience he has for me is unbelievable, they say.

I am not sure about it. But I acknowledge his perseverance after that day until today. How he makes me comfortable with his presence, how he unknowingly makes me crave for him. I would never know how much I am thankful for his respect of not asking anything about my life. He still doesn’t know anything about Jonghyun, maybe a bit about my relationship with my father but he knows nothing.

“The structure of the presentation shouldn’t be like that” I casually point out while I am leaning comfortable on his couch.

We are in his apartment after a day at the university. It has been his habit to stay inside when he is lazy to go out. I like the ambiance of his place, I feel like I am in another dimension with how high it is located.

Yonghwa leans back beside me, serious eyes still stuck at the screen of his laptop. Being a Business major student too, he is also doing his final project, a presentation about the topic we have been working for the whole semester. I already finished mine a week after the deadline is announced.

He disgustingly plops another piece of junk food into his mouth before turning his head to me.

I roll my eyes and sigh dramatically before grabbing the laptop and put it on my lap. I discuss every part of his slides on how he could improve.

“You know what, you’ll be a great asset for your company” He comments while going to his fridge to get us more drinks.

He doesn’t see the way I slightly tense with his simple commentary. Of course, he doesn’t know anything. “I won’t be working there” I say indifferently, giving myself a pat on the shoulder for knowing how to cover my feelings up.

Probably remembering what saw days ago at the wine bar, he seems to be deliberating about something when he goes back to his seat. “What will you do?”

I shrug and carefully give him back his laptop. “Write”

“Well, that’s new”

I smirk as I look at him, understanding where exactly he is coming from. “Most of the students in that university will either become slaves for their parents or work their butts off to get all the money and position of their parents. You will be one of them. Me? I dislike working for something I don’t like”

He chuckles a bit louder for whatever purpose, his eyes dropping down to his work with a smirk plaster on his handsome face. “You are unique, Seo Joohyun”

“I try to be” I comment, flipping channels on his television.

We have been spending time together as much as our free time from classes would give us. Visiting his sister is one of the main agendas we do almost everyday. She is getting better with each visit, her doctor finally orders for her protection divider to be removed during our second visit. And hanging out in different cafes right after. Jung Yonghwa has finally perfected the mood I want whenever I do my school works.

I turn off the television to continue reading the latest book I bought. For a few times, I would smile secretly whenever he talks to himself while punching the keyboard hard.

“Should we go out?” I ask, more than an hour later when I couldn’t bear the annoyance he is giving me by not working hard on his work.

He heaves a loud sigh while leaning back beside me, a pout visible on his face, a sign that he would start acting like a child and whine. I cannot believe that someone like him could act so childish whenever he is in the mood, part of being too playful I guess.

“I have to pass this tomorrow”

We look at each other for a long time, thinking who will win in this match this time. I realize with the amount of time I spend with him, he really is a charming and handsome guy. His black messy hair never fails to give him a bad boy image, his big brown eyes that could express all his emotions look wonderful especially with the mole that drawn me to stare at him. Whenever my mind fails to work properly, it gives me the urge to run my fingertips on his sharp nose until to his soft pink lips.

I continue looking at him with indifference when he drops his gaze down while letting out a short chuckle. “Another hour” He hints and his determination to finish his work warms a part of my heart. Who would know that someone like Jung Yonghwa, who can just give any reason so he couldn’t present his work, is willing to finish a school work?

Rolling my eyes, I grab my bag and silently go out to his terrace. Hugging the coat tighter to my body as the cold afternoon wind brushes roughly against where I am standing. I exhale, quickly getting my cigarette case from my shoulder bag.

It has been days since I last smoke a stick. I was sixteen years old when I first tried to puff a smoke from a classmate during a party. And since then, I had been asking my driver to buy cases for me, I was so close with being addicted to it. I could finish one pack in just a day, the warmth and exhilaration of the smoke creeping inside my lungs are perfect to comfort me. Jonghyun was furious when he caught me three months later while I went out from some boring company party. He forced me to quit immediately so I had to stop.

I am not smoking again to aggravate Jonghyun. I just want something to remind me of him, his annoyance whenever I would not stop sneaking a single puff, the adorable crunching of his face when I tease him with the smoke. I miss him so much.

There goes the slight ache in my chest again. I take a deep breath along with the smoke, leaning on the railings to watch the busy Apgujeong beneath.

“No smoking, remember?” Yonghwa’s irritated voice suddenly reverberating in my ears.

I slowly turn my head to his direction when he steps the cigarette stick under his foot. He almost sounds like my brother with the way he pours his annoyance on the single item. I raise my brows at him when he looks up, probably waiting for unnecessary explanation.

“Fuck this” I hear him cursing under his breath that earns a mocking chuckle from me. The frustration he is getting from my stubbornness must be killing him. “Seo Joohyun” He calls out loud while wrapping his arm around my neck as we walk inside his warm living room, letting his frustration out through that. “Go and gargle your mouth. I’m done”

Rolling my eyes, I go to his room where a newly-bought mouth wash is at the sink. Jung Yonghwa doesn’t have any vice at all. He drinks during parties but never more than that. He doesn’t like the taste of nicotine. He doesn’t play with women because of his sister.

Too good to be true.

We spend our night and dinner at a fine restaurant in the deeper part of Apgujeong. A place where no one would think there is a good place like it. He seems to like modern type of architecture, seeing his place and this new restaurant that has glass as a wall, black and gray as the color of the tables, chairs and counters. The customers are continuously filling up the second-floored classy four-class restaurant.

“How did you know about this place?” He let me order a red wine while we wait for our food.

Yonghwa looks around the place as if he could recollect memories from each corner of the room. Then he finally settles his eyes on me, a small soft smile on his face. “Shinhye introduced this place to me. She loves exploring all kinds of good place”

I nod slowly, remembering how pretty and kind his sister is. Circling my wine glass to get a more perfect taste, I watch as he sips from his glass like a true rich guy he really is. We share a good amount of laughter and conversation all throughout the whole dinner. Being around him gives me a sense of security and warm feeling, he makes me feel at ease with his comfortable way of talking, and his light and carefree personality always pulls me out from my dark mindset.

The wine leaves me a tingly feeling while we drive back to his apartment, almost like an out of this world sensation, but instead of letting him know about it. I direct my attention outside, closing my eyes for a bit to lessen the dizziness.

Burying my hands into the deepest corner of my coat, we start walking against the harsh wind right after we step out of his car. I never had any chance to walk around his place, I quickly agreed with his suggestion of strolling. The pine trees lined up throughout the brick road dance roughly while I look up to the cloudy night sky. I take a deep breath when I see a single star sparkling lonely right back at me.

‘Is that you, Jonghyun?’ I ask in my mind.

“Jonghyun” I start, avoiding his eyes that suddenly burn into my face. “He is my brother-“ I couldn’t seem to open my mouth to speak about him. This is the first time I ever consider opening up about my life. It is probably the effect of the wine, maybe it is the reason for my courage, or I am finally realizing that he deserves something from me. I raise my eyes up to the sky again, as if begging for any sign from Jonghyun if I should continue. “He died from an accident four years ago. We…we were from a vacation, when my family isn’t as fucked up as it is now. And it all happens instantly, he died in front of me, giving me the most precious smile ever” I feel the cold tears effortlessly flowing out from my eyes. It is just the second time I am crying but it seems like it can finally flow easily. I hug myself and stop walking in front of the swimming pool, letting my tears flow as it looks down at the flowing water.

“Joohyun” It comes out husky, the perfect soothing voice, Yonghwa’s voice. I let him watch me battle with my wounds once again. I let myself open up everything to him again.

“He is the reason why I keep having nightmares. Why I can’t sleep” I whisper, my slight sobbing eating up my words. “We were so close. Jonghyun and I. Just like you and your sister. Maybe even more, I don’t know. But we were ready to give the world to each other. He was there in all aspect of my life. He was the only one who understands me” I close my eyes, relieving all the memories with my brother like it all just happened yesterday.

I gulp the invisible lump in my throat when he, without any warning, pulls me into an intimate hug. His arms tightly wrap around my waist, our bodies press close together, and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Just warm and safe. I hesitantly put my hands on his hip and rest my cheek on his chest.

I never feel more at home.

The night continues, the sound of the crickets is enough to accompany us in the serene atmosphere we have by the swimming pool. His scent and warmth still lingering in my mind, still wishing it is real. Breathing in the coldest wind so far, I set my eyes to nowhere in particular, effect of the wine already gone.

Yonghwa has not said anything else when he slowly glides his hand off my waist. I don’t know what to say, or even what to do, the overwhelming gushing of new emotions is keeping me from speaking, blood rushing into my face as I recall how amazing it feels to be close to him like that.

I juggle all my emotions that are taking place inside my chest. Falling back into my routine before Jung Yonghwa forced his curiosity into my daily life, I spend my time full of thoughts. About my family, what I want to do and Yonghwa.

“I miss him” I murmur along with loud gushing of the wind. “So much” I inhale the coldness, wishing it would freeze my yearning heart even just for a while. There seems to be no moment in my life when I am not missing my brother, the coldness of each day are harsher without him.

He gathers me into his arms again, finding more reasons to confirm how fragile I am more than I show it. I let my face bury into his chest, slightly shivering from the cold contact with his jacket. I decide to hug him back, to know if he could miraculously take away my pain. I softly brush my cheek against him, warming myself from the coldness my heart is making me feel.

We finally let the goodness of how we are last for a long period, standing in the middle of the swimming area just hugging. I couldn’t find anything wrong at that moment of depending on him, for warmth and safety. I pour all my frustration when I clumsily shift my arms from his waist up to his neck. My eyes close lightly as soon as I feel his cold and soft lips resting just under my left ear.

“Is it possible? All these happening in just few days?” I finally get the guts to ask the biggest question out loud. I look at Minhyuk, who carefully listens to everything I say while we are pretending to busy ourselves with big society issues at a charity ball two days later that I decide to acknowledge that I need Jung Yonghwa in my life. It has been two days full of heartfelt memories with him and I have been feeling nothing but one of a kind happiness.

Minhyuk, who is looking absolutely handsome in a dark blue tuxedo and styled hair, gives me a mock serious look. “Looking at you, yes, it is possible. You are literally glowing. And just so you know, you were always like this” He studies me from head to toe and nods his head in approval.

“Make sure you won’t tell that to my father” I hiss, consciously running my fingers through my curled hair.

He just gestures locking his lips before laughing. I shake my head with a small smile, sipping from my wine. We continue talking with each other, just like the usual whenever our parents have to show off their picture perfect family on important social parties.

“Looking loveliest, aren’t we?” I try not to show how Yonghwa’s touches affect a big part inside my system in front of Minhyuk. But I couldn’t stop my bare shoulder from shivering a bit with the sudden contact of his hand on my back and the quick peck he gives on my temple.

“Not so bad yourself” I whisper, running an eye over his look tonight. A blue polo shirt beneath the black and white checkered suit, his hair styled in a messy runway look. His basketball fans will surely ogle.

Minhyuk shakes his head before leaving us alone. He must be feeling weird about the sudden changes in me. It has been four years since he saw the Joohyun that he grew up with.

“Aren’t you a bit late?” I ask while he his arm finding a comfortable spot around my waist.

I saw him smirk before he rests his chin on top of my head, “You’re simply early”

Snorting, I turn to face him, preparing a sarcastic smile just for him. “Oh is it my fault now that I’m taught how to be professional?” I answer, teasing.

He laughs inwardly, finding it funny that I am getting better with his game of flirting. But I always lose, I let him win every single time despite my competitive streaks. He leans down to tease me with brushing my lips with mine. I have come into a realization that my heart could not take any of his advances, the palpitation, and the invisible sweat I feel on my forehead. The craziness of how my body replies to every kiss he gives, I must be out of my mind.

Soft music from the live band is slowly fades into the background as he continues to leave me breathless with the brushing of our lips together. He must be aware of his effects on me, damn this guy. I could not help myself but let out a soft growl, my short patience coming in bit by bit. I feel his smile as he nibbles my lower lip, slowly we fall in a slight fast motion but quickly halt knowing we are in a public place. But no matter how short, long our kisses are, I still feel my knees wiggling in too much intimacy.

Throughout the night, we content ourselves with glances from the other side of the room as we do our responsibility as part of our families, talk to different hierarchy from different kinds of business. Attending hundreds of parties like this every year, despite my dislike of following my father’s plan for me, I still have to put on my best social skills to survive in our world where everyone needs to be the better than the other.

“You’re going home?” Yonghwa asks, an hour before everyone decides to call it a night, ten minutes after two in the morning.

Five minutes earlier, my mother fortunately excused me from a nonsense talk about who got the most expensive bag that had been going on for fifteen minutes. She said that my father finally ended his meeting with some British potential investors and we were going home. I could not bear being in the same elevator as him so I wait for few minutes before going down.

“Yeah” I lean into his lips on my head as we step out of the elevator. “You?”

“I guess so but I’ll have to go back to check on my mother”

“Goodnight” I smile after he gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

I fix my expression as I see my father exchanging handshake from a blond guy just few meters away from his car. I am on my way to the car after his when I hear him call my name. My jaw reflexively tightens when I look at him, uninterested in whatever bullshit he will say.

“You and Jung Dae Jung’s son? Chairman of Gold Cruise?”

Oh God no.

“How come you didn’t tell me?” Shit. I knew it. 
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