Spell Kits - The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Feb 12, 2008 16:47

Dear Mr Most High Reverend High Priest Chief Poobah What-Ever,

Contrary to popular belief, a protection spell does not have to sound like a curse. Also, if you are targeting your cute little spell kits at that segment of the population for which it is necessary to use the words " strongly imagine" instead of "visualize", the word "stygean" should appear nowhere in your verses. In fact, it really shouldn't be there at all no matter who your target market is.

I must say, I did get some enjoyment out of your spell kits. Not only are some of your invocations mildly amusing, but aiming 250 bits of paper at the recycling bin has probably made a measurable improvement in my hand-eye coordination. And if you are satisfied because, despite my criticism, I am obviously a customer, know this: the only reason I have your spell kits in the first place is because a batch of some 200 has been making the rounds, handed from one would-be seller to another in the hopes that someone can move the things. I ended up with them because I was willing to tear them apart so the candles could be used simply as candles, possibly for the next power outage.

Incidentally, it is inappropriate to refer to a candle as "dressed", as I note you do on the only website which is still carrying these things (at a large discount), if you in fact mean only that the wick (of the finished candle) has been dipped in oil (as you say on your little spell papers). You don't say which oil, although after handling over 100 of your candles in one shot, I can testify that they all smell the same regardless of whether they are for Passion, Protection, Air, Water or any of the other uses. They all smell like Crayolas. Which leads to some interesting speculation, since they are clearly standard cheap factory-made candles of the type sold in dollar stores. Or does Crayola do that now?

A witch who uses no titles and is therefore clearly inferior to yourself.

snark, creativity, pagan, humor

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