The cure for sea sickness..

May 19, 2006 20:06

By gathering together all the dreams,
We'll find the things that we're looking for.
A pocket of coins,
And you wanna be my friend?
We are, We are on the cruise!
We are!

Okie, so this week me and panku-san have mostly been...
SAILING TEH HIGH SEAS YAR HAR HAR! (one piece obsession coming through ^^;)
But we have a problem, cause we lost the Silver Bullet! oh wait.. Panku's spotted it you say? Nevermind.

I tried extra hard on this picture because panku-san is ill! *huggles* Panku, i may not be good for some important things like map reading and maths but if there's one thing i can do moderately well it's drawing, so i'll help you through my art ^^ I hope you like =3

I don't know what my character should wear.. Yar, so i like Ed. I don't need to wear a T-shirt to say it anymore though XD
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