Bending and breaking

May 13, 2006 16:46

Here's your picture request panku;

I made Goose look like Terra from Teen Titans >< That was an accident but nevermind. Terra rawks. But i wonder... If i really had Plusle ears, would i be able to cast electricity spells?

Loralit, gomen nasai once again. I'm still working on our trade but the poses are difficult and are taking forever. I also have exams for the next month ;__;

Nya... I feel so sick today. I was up all night cause the stupid nose drops weren't working and i couldn't breathe properly. There was also this huge thunderstorm going on outside my window and when the flashes lit up the room i felt dizzy. I hate being ill.

I should be revising... But the thought of six hours of Geography revision on Monday is giving me a headache T_T Thank God i can listen to Keane to cheer me up. I love their new single so much XD I can't wait for my copy to come in the post!

But sometimes
I get the feeling that I'm
Stranded in the wrong time
Where love is just a lyric in a children rhyme, a soundbite~
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