What's wrong with a little destruction?

May 12, 2006 17:26

++Drawn and written to welcome a special friend to LJ++

Once upon a time, there were three psychotic chibi friends called Goose, Panku and Plusle (alphabetic order, yo). They fantasized about many things including teh awesome J-Rock genre, LT, pirates and the dashing Mr Ed Elric.

One day, Goose and Panku decided it would be fun to invite Plusle to play a little game called Runescape. After many boring game tutorials they were ready to play and tried to get their characters to meet up so they might multiplay.

Unfortunately, Goose had landed herself on the other side of the continent and no matter how many times Plusle looked at the map their location did not change. The fact that Plusle could not read the map even though she was a Geography student did not help.

After two failed attempts, Goose managed to enter Panku and Plusle's town but then the n00bs attacked and not only killed all three horrifically, but also made Panku's computer crash. Goose and Plusle were none too chuffed.

Needless to say, Pixel was the one who was blamed.

The End.

=p What can i say. I felt random and bored.
I may illustrate more of this later. If i can be bothered.

Welcome to LJ panku-san! *glomps*
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